During the months of June and July my grandson came to stay with me. He was selected from a group of students all over the state to work as interns for the summer. He was chosen to work with Tryon Palace in New Bern as their intern. His duties consisted of planning and recommending a transit system that would serve the city. New Bern is planning to build a new museum and the transit system would serve several historical areas including Tryon Palace.

He stayed with me during the week and went home on the weekends. Gas was high, and with all the traveling his "state job " paid for his gas and that's about it. The experience he gained was the most rewarding.

At the end of July all the interns were invited to the Governor's Mansion for a reception. This last picture is of that event. The picture is small but the tallest person on the back row on the right is my grandson. The summer flew by. By next summer he plans to be married.
What a handsome and smart grandson...I could see why a gal would want to put a ring on his finger ;)
How nice to have your grandson with you all that time. And what a great opportunity for him.
I didn't know he was doing this. What a great experience! You know I have never been to Tryon Palace. I always wanted to go but just never got there.
Handsome young man. I can see why "someone" is planning on marrying him. -grin-
I can see why you'd be proud of your grandson. His face radiates kindness as well as intelligence.
Awww.... how sweet of you to blog about our little Will. As his mom, I'm very proud of him too!(now he is talking about joining the Peace Corp)
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