My sweet, sweet, granddaughter, April, who works at the Doll Market in Greensboro NC gave me this sweet present when we visited her family at the beach yesterday.

Isn't it so cute. Raggedy Ann is on one side of the mug.

And Raggedy Andy is on the other side. I will probably never drink from it. I will add it to my collection. Thanks so much April. I really, really, love it!!!!
There is a "Doll Market"? Wow I would love to see that!
Love your cup, it is a treasure. I wouldnt use it either! haha.
Too cute---but use it and enjoy the memories...
Well there is a ton of Raggedy Ann and Andy stuff at work....sooo you will probably keep getting little surprises from me! Love you!
What wonderful gifts from your granddaughter. Aren't granddaughter's just the greatest. They always seem to know exactly what we want. Being a redhead myself, Raggedy Ann is one of my favorites.
April is forever talking about all the cute Raggedy stuff at the market. You will have to visit her at work when you come again! (the first weekend of every month is when they open their clearance store... good bargains!)
Oh that is so cute and colorful! I love the raggedies too, but don't collect them.
What a blessin'!!
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