Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Another Five Years

Yesterday the corn across the road from me was picked and cut. They worked all day. Today I can see my far off neighbor's house across the field. I will be able to see their lights at night. I had missed that through the summer.

Today I went to the DMV to renew my driver's license. I was afraid I might be restricted to glasses this time, but I was able to still see "Good Enough" without them. I use reading glasses, but so far, I can see at a distance pretty well. Now, you knew I wouldn't show you my picture. LOL


Little Penpen said...

It's always a good feeling when the corn is picked and cut, isn't it? I think we don't realize how closed in we feel until the field is empty again. Yay, on driver's license... now when do you renew? I'm good until 2010, I think.

LBP said...

Good for you on your license! I can't see a foot in front of me without my glasses.

I read your post about your bean plant. I posted about the same thing last week. Our family calls this bean vine a "Thomas Jefferson Bean" I have no idea why! LOL

Deborah Wilson said...

I love corn fields. That is one of my favorite sights, driving and seeing nothing but corn.

I know I won't show my DL to anybody that I don't have to - Ga pics are horrible - makes you look like an outlaw. lol!

2 LMZ FARMS said...

No fair!!! We have to see the picture.lol Yeah, we just got through picking up corn after Dad cut. I manage to get 5 bags(black garbage bags) full. Will have to shell it myself but still cheaper than what I would have to pay for it at the feed store. Hope you and yours have a blessed day.

smilnsigh said...

You have a lovely view!

Just summer's leaves on trees, restrict my little view of neighbor's lights. Little view, because of the way houses are placed. I'm glad to have them fall in a way, so I can see lights, in the growing dusk.


Willow said...

I don't think I want to count how many neighbors' houses I can see. Here on the coastal plain of Southern CA, on my way to work I drive past tomato fields, onion, garlic, and strawberry fields, but no corn.

Renie Burghardt said...

Hi Ann,

I had to renew my drivers liscense a few monthsw ago and worried about the same thing. I only use reading glasses as well, and always think one of these days that will change. And it's 2010 for me, too, if the Good Lord be willing!

You do have a lovely view. I can't see any neighbor's lights, because I am surrounded by woods to the left, to the right, in the back, and across the road. Well, I take that back, when the leaves are off the trees, I do see one my neighbors lights. Of course, even if I don't see their lights, I hear their dogs!

Take care!


mreddie said...

From the photo it looks like you have a pretty good view of the horizon. My license is due to be renewed this next year, I don't look forward to it. ec

meggie said...

I do like the pic of the cut cornfield with your neighbour in the distance.
Wish I didnt need my glasses. They weigh heavy on my nose, & are hot in summer.