This was one of the quilts that Aunt Jessie showed me when I was potographing some of her treasures, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what she told me about it!

Way back in the olden days, kitches were not connected to the main house. This was in case of fire. This little building, that sits behind her school house, my Aunt Jessie had turned into an old kitchen. Inside it is outfitted with things that would have been in old kitchens in days of old.

Now to me this old building on their farm just looked like a pack house. A place maybe where tobacco was kept after it was cured and before getting ready to go to market. But on this day (that the picture was taken) Aunt Jesse told me this was once a post office for the neighborhood. I have forgotten what the name of it was. Old folks, like me can't remember much. Oh how I wish I had taken notes!!
Oh, I'm so glad I don't have to go outside to cook in that kitchen! ha ha Very interesting indeed... we've come a long way. The sad part is that the woman probably HAD to cook in that kitchen every day, whether she wanted to or not. Now we have nice modern kitchens and no one wants to cook anymore.... myself included!
I am so enjoying these pictures, Ann--a glimpse of the past
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