And always there was a story that went with each thing. Which estate sale, yard sale, etc... the stories were sometimes more interesting than the object.
I admired this picture that was hanging in a bedroom. I just mentioned that I liked it. She then told me that all the decoration inside this frame was made with hair. I repeated, "HAIR", then I took another look. (Sorry my picture is blurred... I'm not a very good photographer!) I just wish I could remember the story that went with this picture. I should have taken notes as well as the pictures!!
Do any of you know about these "HAIR PICTURES"?
This is just fascinating!! I had never heard of a hair picture but I googled it and sure enough....!
Here's the link I found about it:
There is some beautiful stuff on there! Thanks for helping to educate me!
Thanks Hope. I should have googled it myself. As soon as I read about them being done for mourning, I remembered that was exactly what my Aunt Jessie had said. She was interested in everything and remembered everything... Alas, I have a hard time remembering!!
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