There is a surprise under this hosta planted next to the steps. One of the Guinea's has a nest back there. There are over 20 eggs in that nest. So be very quite when you come to visit. Don't disturb the mother. She will come out squawking and scare you to death...LOL
Ann, I would love to come visit! Your porch and flowers look so inviting. I'll try to be really quiet when I approach the hostas! :)
I'm glad you found the info on the hair pics. I thought it was very interesting. I especially liked the brooch made by using hair from each family member!
Your flowers are so bright and cheery. A very warm welcome!
...well, until the guinea starts to attack. LOL
Kimberly :)
Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog, I"m so glad you did, I love yours! I'm a avid gardener so I can't get enough of flowers and garden chat! I'll be back and add you to my list too! Have a great day!
The porch looks very inviting, but I don't know about that guinea thing! It would scare me to death! Just wait until all the babies hatch... ha ha!
What a beautiful photo! Everything looks so colorful and healthy! That rocking chair looks pretty comfy too. :o) Those guineas are loud! My dh's grandma used to have some. How fun to find 20 eggs! Let us know if they all hatch!
Ann, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just love all your beautiful flowers. I could sit on your front porch all day it looks so welcoming.
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