Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thinking Much About Our Election

My friend

Deborah Wilson left her rant in my comments on the last post.
She brought up some very interestng points. This is my answer back to her:

Good Rant Deborah. I agree with most of the things you said. And you know even though I always go to the voting booth and cast my ballot, how do I really know how it is counted. Maybe I should sign up to work up there sometime to see how it all goes.

I have always felt that the media could tell us it went this way or that, but unless I could count some of the ballots myself, I would never really know.

Just like when Bill Clinton was elected the second time. I asked around and couldn't find one person who would admit that they voted for him. Yet the newspeople said he'd won again.

I know we have secret ballots and we can choose in secret and never have to admit who we voted for. I have often thought of the people who come out of the polling places telling the news people who they voted for. (I think some get great pleasure trying to throw them off) I've never been asked, but should they ever ask me.. I'd say none of your business.

I have seriously considered changing my affiliation to independent. My plan is to do this soon after the November voting.

I, as well as you, have doubts about the two canidates we have to choose from. I know America has many more better qualified people that would be better suited than the two we have now.

Never the less, I am going to vote in Novermber. As in times past, I will be trying to pick the lesser of two evils.

As I've said before, the abortion issue is the main issue to me. I cannot believe a country as great as the USA has killed so many babies. God Help Us!

Even so, whoever is picked to lead this country will become my President and I will do all in my power to back him... Up and until He makes a grievous mistake.

I agree with you that the true heros are the soldiers who are giving their all to keep our country safe and free. May God Bless America.

Now, can I come join you in the woods. It is a quite, beautiful, place away from the maddening crowds.


Deborah Wilson said...


I can get carried away, huh? lol

About voting:

Josef Stalin once said:

"It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes."

Of course, we all know about Stalin... But to follow his thinking:
America is a capitalist country. Marxists believe that the real power lies in the hands of the elite, therefore, the political system of capitalist countries are corrupt.

Food for thought......

I don't believe there is any way to be absolutley sure that our votes are being counted correctly - look at Bush/Gore in 2004/Florida - we the people just have to hope and trust that the votes are counted correctly. If not, there's not a whole lot that we can do about it. Certainly no one is going to admit to mis-counting!

I always vote too -

but not for president this year. I refuse to support any of the candidates. Before, it's always been to take a chance and vote for the lesser evil - I can't do that anymore. It's no longer acceptable.

My reasons are many but a few are because of the reasons I've already stated in the past post - and due to the fact that both political parties are self-destructing.

But, like you, I have my say before elections - once a president is elected, I hush about it. Because I don't feel it is right to stand up before America's ememies and trash our president. And I certainly won't support trashing our troops.

However, when it applies to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the day is now here when we have to say something - or face losing more freedoms - mainly freedom of speech.

There are factions not only internationally, but right here in America, that want to destroy America's culture and way of life, including her religions. If things continue in the present direction, they may very well succeed.

You see, our founding fathers knew of the dangers of big centralized government and that government becoming involved in International affairs. The Constitution was written very carefully to protect the people from both big government and tyranny, nationally and internationally. Did our people not leave Europe for a reason???

I find it appalling that so few people are really interested in standing up for what our founding fathers fought for....

The only mistake that I can see is that they didn't outlaw slavery at the signing of the Constitution. Otherwise, it is a perfect document that represents a free country, free men and women, who were expected and trusted to be willing to be self-reliant and work hard for their families, with the right to speak and practice their religion without fear.

To me, this represents the REAL America. This is what it's all about.

If America doesn't wake up - one day it might all be gone.


About abortion -

I don't believe Woe vs Wade will ever be overturned. When it comes to Women's rights or right to life, women will win. Especially in our time, Ann. I hate to say it, but I think the liberal factors in government considers it ok - not due to women's rights - but because it's a form of population control.


I hope no one gets offended because of my opinions - they are my own. They are never meant to try and persuade someone from voting their heart or what they believe in.

Shirley Mary said...

I have read with much interest the views stated by you and also Deborah. I think we all agree that we are grieved at what has happened to our beautiful America.
The words, "God shed His grace on thee" is so true and yet there is an evil force that continues to multiply that is fighting against everything that our country has stood for.
I sure don't have answers for the complex problems but I am thankful for everyone that is praying to a Sovereign God that still has control over all.


Betty F said...

I'm with you Ann! I'm headed out to vote in November.

Deborah Wilson said...


Correction -

I meant to say, Bush/Gore/2000.

I was typing this at 4:00 in the morning.....

I wish blogger would develop a way for users to edit comments at least once.

Anonymous said...

And to think - we've killed over 2/3 of a MILLION Iraquis - women and children included - and call it holy. Is life sacred or not? Looks like NOT according to those statistics. Each one is someone's brother, or mother or dear child, or father, or aunt or uncle, or grandparent - oh my heart aches for those who would kill - for any reason.

Sandi McBride said...

OMG, I never tell the polling folks who I really voted for! I too love to throw them off...I've often wondered how they get that vote count so fast...can we ever be sure that our vote is counted? I don't think so...more's the pity.

Sandy said...

By not voting, people support anarchy. To choose not to use one of our precious freedoms is so wrong. But of course, some like to sit back and say I didn't vote for that candidate. We all make choices. Both candidates have good and bad points as with all people in life. We always need to be proactive, I believe. Just my little thoughts.

Deborah Wilson said...

Sandy -

I have always voted - until this year.

I (no American citizen), is bound by the Constitution, nor by State law, that demands we have to vote.

I have the freedom to choose to vote or not to vote. This is my right as an American Citizen. I have the freedom to NOT vote for someone that I no longer approve of.

By not voting, this does not mean that I support *anarchy*.

Definition of *anarchy*:

1.) A state of society without government or law.

2.) Political and social disorder due to the absence of govermental control.

3.)Confusion; chaos; disorder.

All definitions are from Websters dictionary...

Another way to define *anarchy* would be the social promotion/support of any or all of the above definitions.

To decide to not cast a vote in any given election does not promote/support any of the above definitions of *anarchy*.

*Anarchy* is a strong, improper word to use to define those who choose not to cast a vote for a candidate(s) and/or political party whom they feel is not right for their country.

If anyone should want to see disorder and chaos - look toward D.C. and across the world stage - and not at the American non-voters who refuse to continue to be 'sheeple' for politicians and their 'crap'.

Renie Burghardt said...

Hmmm, I'm almost afraid to make a comment now. But great comments Deborah!

I am going to vote, although I don't like either candidate. I have been an independent all my adult life. I will write in the name of who I think would be the better choice. I know it is a wasted vote, but I chose to do it that way, or my way!

Deborah Wilson said...


That made me laugh...thanks for brightening my day..:)

Seriously, I think most people won't 100% completely make up their minds until all party candidates name their chosen VP and the American public has time to review the VP candidates voting records and character. Once all of the cards are laid on the table, and people can get a clearer picture, this goes a long way in helping people to decide who they want to vote for or if they want to write in someone else - or it may turn some people off completely. Everyone has the right to review records and change their minds about a party or candidate if they feel a change would be better.

Sandy said...

Bottom line: you should vote because you can.
Voting is a tremendous gift. You should vote because you can, if you don't you may one day wake up in a country where you can't. It can (and has) happened. “Civic duty” and because “you should” are not reasons that will probably get you to want to vote. Thomas Jefferson wrote a vital line in the Declaration of Independence when he said “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.” In other words, government and its politicians only have power because we as a people give it to them through our collective consent. That’s what happens when we vote yea or nay.

Deborah Wilson said...


You wrote: [quote]

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.”

[end of quote]

That's the way it is supposed to work. That's the way it should be working.

But it seems to me that now *the people* are being ignored and their wishes are being replaced by those of Big Corporations, Big Oil, Nafta, and every sleaze bag lobbyist who can climb Capitol Hill or deal in back rooms.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have social programs that are only promising to get bigger - or new ones are being planned - and more and more people are becoming less self-reliant, until they are basically now handicapped and dependent on those programs.

And then we have the IRS (that should be abolished) there to grab every dime they can from *the people* for the gov to spend anywhere and however they please, with no sense of restraint.

I wouldn't want to forget to mention the miserable conditions at our southern border where the gov apparently is not interested in upholding its own Federal Immigration Laws. Nothing against the Mexican/Hispanic people or the prospect of immigrating here, but we are supposed to be fighting a war against terrorism. If so, shouldn't our borders be secured and don't we have the right to know who enters this country? Because if the Mexicans and Hispanics can get across, so can our dear old foes, the jahidists.

The list could go on and on, but I think after this post and all of my previous ones, this is enough.

I hope I don't sound harsh or confrontational - I really don't mean to be.

But this is reality as not only myself, but many Americans, see it.

To finish -
You also wrote: [quote]

In other words, government and its politicians only have power because we as a people give it to them through our collective consent.

[end of quote]

This should be true. It is suppose to be true.

However, it looks like there may be a few little problems...

Either *the people* are being ignored (before and after elections) or they keep voting for the same old crew, or we are not being presented the opportunity to vote for quality candidates.

This year, I think a combo of all of the above paragraph applies.

And in the midst of it all, the war drum beats on....possible conflicts with Iran and Russia.

Many Dems and reps, especially McCain, approves of bringing back the draft.

What does this indicate, if anyone is listening?

This election year is not a game - it should not be the same old - same old. America's prosperity and sovereignty may soon be on the line.

Should I vote yea, I'm giving my consent to elect a less than qualified candidate, which in the future will only encourage more of the same.

So I will do my civic duty, and vote nay to all of them, because I will not give my consent.

I might change my mind and write in someone other than the candidates - (and I won't write in Hillary! either)...

Should the dems and reps ultimately fail, it will be their own doing. I'm looking for a new party, a true statesman, one that will stand by the constitution, bill of rights, and give respect back to *we the people*, let us govern our country/elect our officials with pride and dignity.

If that doesn't occur, then I'll just continue my civic duty on a state level, as always, the best that I can.

As it should be.

Anonymous said...

Um, whose blog is this, anyway?

ancient one said...

It's MY blog. And these are MY friends dicussing OUR ELECTION. Now WHO are you and why does it matter?

Deborah Wilson said...


I'm sure that I have upset some who read here - certainly not my intention. I've always said that I'm not a politically correct person.

Most of the issues, or grievances, that I've listed shouldn't be very shocking - indeed, many are front page news in our nations media almost everyday.

Sooner or later we the people and our gov will have to deal with them in an earnest way in order to get the issues solved and move on toward a more prosperous society that is beneficial to all Americans. There are many other problems that we need to work on, mainly education, the economy/jobs, the future of our youth who will one day be governing our country.

Differing opinions doesn't bother me, everyone has a right to say their peace. This is the beauty of freedom of speech. What does bother me is when a self appointed group in this country, usually the PC crowd, wants to have everything their way and if someone else has a differing opinion, forget the debate, they want to immediately call names, flip the race card, and are now in the very process of trying to criminalize those differing opinions.

Americans have to stand up to this, this is unconstitutional and doesn't represent a nation of free men and women.

Politics - empty promises, inaction, bitterness, and dead locks between parties are just that.

I have always been instilled with the ideology that that one must work for what they get. This should apply to both citizens and the gov/politicians.

To note: Sandy is right -

government and its politicians only have power because we as a people give it to them through our collective consent.

All Americans should really think about this before Nov elections, including all future elections.

Thanks for your input with me, Sandy - and everyone else.

ancient one said...

My pleasure Deborah! I have enjoyed all of the comments! I'm waiting for the conventions. I'm sure they will be lively. LOL

Deborah Wilson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deborah Wilson said...


I'm sure the Democratic Convention will be lively. Some think it will provide a step up for Hillary in 2012. I saw on tv last night where the City of Denver has put up a fenced off area to contain any one who might want to cause trouble. In case that you missed it, here is an article that I just read on Fox News:

Denver Police Brace for Convention

The article didn't say so, but I'm sure that they are also considering that Bill Gwatney, Chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party was shot and killed 8-13. Some man just walks in off of the street and shoots him...Where was the security?? Very sad - and very scary.

ancient one said...

Yes, I knew about the jail for the demonstators or other trouble makers. They will need extra security everywhere. I read somewhere that they even have to be extra careful about the emergency vehicles as it is reported that the bad guys have some of them.

And I know about the Arkansas shooting and the white powder at McCain's campaign place...

Things are getting scarey..

The Teacup Cottage said...

Well said my dear friend. In my heart to disregard a right we gained at the loss of so many would be disrespecting their memories. And while there is no proof that our votes are counted, I also do not get to see my physical cash that the banks claim to have, yet I will trust them until proven wrong and continue to shop!