My friend
Deborah Wilson left her rant in my comments on the last post.
She brought up some very interestng points. This is my answer back to her:
Good Rant Deborah. I agree with most of the things you said. And you know even though I always go to the voting booth and cast my ballot, how do I really know how it is counted. Maybe I should sign up to work up there sometime to see how it all goes.
I have always felt that the media could tell us it went this way or that, but unless I could count some of the ballots myself, I would never really know.
Just like when Bill Clinton was elected the second time. I asked around and couldn't find one person who would admit that they voted for him. Yet the newspeople said he'd won again.
I know we have secret ballots and we can choose in secret and never have to admit who we voted for. I have often thought of the people who come out of the polling places telling the news people who they voted for. (I think some get great pleasure trying to throw them off) I've never been asked, but should they ever ask me.. I'd say none of your business.
I have seriously considered changing my affiliation to independent. My plan is to do this soon after the November voting.
I, as well as you, have doubts about the two canidates we have to choose from. I know America has many more better qualified people that would be better suited than the two we have now.
Never the less, I am going to vote in Novermber. As in times past, I will be trying to pick the lesser of two evils.
As I've said before, the abortion issue is the main issue to me. I cannot believe a country as great as the USA has killed so many babies. God Help Us!
Even so, whoever is picked to lead this country will become my President and I will do all in my power to back him... Up and until He makes a grievous mistake.
I agree with you that the true heros are the soldiers who are giving their all to keep our country safe and free. May God Bless America.
Now, can I come join you in the woods. It is a quite, beautiful, place away from the maddening crowds.