Mary, at Keeping the Light Shining, tagged me. These are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
My Six Random Things
I decided to post a picture for each fact I told about myself. As many of you know, putting in tobacco was my first job.
This was a hard, dirty job. We worked until the barn was full of tobacco. We handed, tied it on the stick, laid it in a pile. When the primers came to the barns we helped pass the sticks in and they hung it high up in the barn. I learned to work Hard for the money.
My next job was mother. I had three children.
I'm not saying I was that good a mother, but my three children have made my husband and me so proud. I think Mother was my Best job.
And I taught Sunday School.
This was probably one of my most Important jobs. I truly enjoyed the classes I had.I was a Den Mother for some cub scouts.
This was probably one of the most Fun things I have ever done. This is a group of fine young men now.
My last paying job was in retail. I had jobs in a factory and other retail stores before this one.
This was enjoyable work. Our store was right in the middle of the mall. All outside events happened right in front of our store. We even sponsored some of the models and furnished the clothes for fashion shows. I Learned a lot working with this fine group of people.
Now I'm old. I called myself retired. Only trouble is.. my husband didn't retire. Here is where I would like to be.
Never the less, I must learn to be Content and accept things the way they are. I can look back and see the Hand of GOD throughout my life. HE's never failed me. HIS Mercy is everlasting and HIS Truth endureth forever.I have decided not to tag anyone. If you would like to do this, I would ask that you let me know so I can read your story. And be sure to go see
Mary and learn more about her.
This is an "Off Topic Comment" but...I seem to have lost my knack for posting/commenting in 'Blog Land,' for a while. All I do lately, is put up a few photos, here and there. I didn't plan on it... It just happened.
And since I don't want anyone to think I got *uppity* or anything, :-) I'm leaving this comment, to explain my absence.
I'm sure to be back in not too long. Can't keep a "Chatty Person" quiet, for too long. :-)
Miss Mari-Nanci
I love your photos. Those were the days. I also worked in factories and retail stores. I never worked in tobacco, but did work hard on the farm. Yes, we worked hard for our money back then.
I'm sorry I haven't posted your award as yet. I'll do that soon.
Dear Ancient One, I loved your beautiful story. If you lived closer to me then you could be where you want to be. The ocean is about three miles from where I live. wish you could be here.
You and your husband have three beautiful children. I am sure your Sunday School class learned much from you. Have a great day. connie from Texas
I absolutley love what you have shared and with pictures!
So very interesting! Are you in one of the photos and if so, which one is you? (The first photo and the group of girls in the retail work.)
Living close to the Gulf, my husband and I have taken chairs a number of times close to the ocean waves (not as close as the picture.)
We have been in NC once and we really enjoyed the view of the beautiful mountains.
No doubt about it, God made a beautiful world and there are many places I would like to visit.. . but I'm with you about being content with what we have and
being thankful for the mercy and faithfulness of God where ever we may live.
Thanks again for the great sharing!
Beautiful post! You didn't mention that one of those fine young cub scouts is now a doctor. I had forgotten how tiny you were... looking at your Charles Shop picture. Also, I had to stare and stare at the tobacco picture.... you kind of look like my daughter in that picture!
What a great way to share some things about your life, through your wonderful photos! You sure did work hard for the money!
I really enjoyed your post today. The pictures were wonderful!
Yours is the best one of these meme's that I've read. So much fun with the old pictures added. I really like the one of your first tobacco picking job. Very fun!
Oh my, I worked in tobacco, too...hard work but we loved it. I was a good stringer, taught by a great stringer...and my biggest pleasure was being one of the barn hangers...I was as good as any of the guys that did it and took top tier at age, my grandfather was proud of me, I think he thought I was his grandson!
What great answers to Mary's meme. And the photo's add so much to it. You're quite an accomplished "old" woman. LOL.
Mary tagged me as well, but I have done so many meme's that there is very little I could share, that I haven't shared already. But I love her blog. She always reminds me of my many blessings, given to me by the Lord.
Thanks for sharing a bit about your life.
Hugs and Blessings,
I also wanted to say that when I mentioned playing in TN where the main livihood was tobacco, I didn't dream that one of my "tag-ees" would post a picture of working with tobacco! That was extremely interesting!
What a great story...and I love the tobacco picture.
This is the best tag that I've read so far - the photos made it different! Good one, Ann!
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