Okay Renie, I took your suggestion.
On Sunday my husband's family had their annual reunion. This year it was held in the train depot in a small town south of us. I think we set a record this year in attendance. It was good seeing everyone and having lunch together one more time. Most of us ate inside the building but there were tables set up outside on the loading dock also. This depot is no longer used by the train. Now it is a favorite place for weddings, parties, and other events.
These yellow lady slippers were in a flower bed of the first home my daughter rented when she moved to the mountains of NC. These are the only yellow lady slippers I have ever seen. In the east, when I was a child and got out and explored the woods, I would sometimes see pink lady slippers. I haven't seen any since I took this picture. The lady who owned the house my daughter rented was rescueing endangered plants.
Well, let me say this. I love a rainy day if I don't have to get out in it to go anywhere. And today is such a day.
The grass is loving this day. The tobacco growing in the field across the road is loving this day. And that clover in the middle of the lawn is certainly enjoying this day.
Today is perfect for staying on line and checking out all your blogging buddies' posts. And for reading the local weekly paper that comes on Wednesday.
Good story in there today about people from Australia coming to our little town looking for relatives. Seems the soldier from here fathered a son during World War II while serving in Australia. That son is here visiting relatives he never knew until his first visit a few years back. It was a sweet tender story. The son's parents never married anyone else. They have both passed on. He has love letters his dad wrote to his mom all those years ago.
On rainy days, even the traffic in the back yard slows down. Not too many people cutting grass today.
In times past I would be riding political stickers around on the back of my car. Not this time! We had a place on our ballots this May that said "no preference". You'd be surprised what precentage of the votes "NP" received.
Only sticker on my car is the one you see in the oval circle. ONUG I've had many people ask me what it is. Do you know?
My eldest Grandson was married on Saturday. Queen Elizabeth II and I have something in common.
No pictures of the wedding will be posted for now. My new Granddaughter-in-law has a blogspot of her own and may want to post her pictures after they return from their honeymoon. Saturday was a VERY GOOD DAY !!!
My husband had been looking for the guinea's nest. He had checked behind the hosta at the front steps. That's where it was last year.
I found it today. I was cutting the stalks of the dead flowers in the irises. Something caught my eye. There it is, hidden next to the fence among the irises and lilies. I wonder how long before the possum finds it?
We had tornado watches and warnings most of the day yesterday. I'm so thankful that we didn't see any bad weather. We just got some welcome rain. Some of the counties near us were not as fortunate.
Today is another day. The clouds are clearing and the weather is cooler. For us life goes on as usual. Some of our neighbors are picking up and starting over.Ever since if first registered to vote, I have not missed a chance to do so. None of the canidates appealed to me this time around. Still I cast my "secret votes" and waited to see the results on TV tonight. Some of my choices are leading their races and some of my choices are trailing. This is just the primary.
When I vote again in the Novermber election, I will again vote for the person that I think will do the best for the office they are seeking. Again, maybe some of my choices will not win. Nevertheless, the next day Our President, Our Govenor, and all the other future office holders will have my support.
I know none will be in office except the ones GOD allows. HE is still on the throne.