Friday, January 25, 2008


Sometimes I think I'm fast losing mine. I have to write notes for everything. For instance, yesterday I hung a big note on the refrigerator saying... "CAll Lottie... Then call Shirley"... I had been promising Shirley I would get her Lottie's address for over a week. Each day would pass and I still didn't have it done. So the first thing that my face saw the next morning was the sign. I waited to call Lottie around nine, got the information and called Shirley immediately... otherwise I would still be sitting here never having made the call.

You know the email that goes around from time to time saying you start something, then notice something else needs doing, you move to that and then see something else... and when your day is over you're tired but got nothing accomplished... that's me!! I must get better!!

I suppose the best thing for me would be to make long lists and cross off things as I go. Something has got to change. For now, the hurried I go the behinder I get!!

Any Suggestions?


Deborah Wilson said...


Don't feel all alone, I have many days like that. For me, I think it's a matter of trying to multi-task way too many things at once oreither slipping into my bad habit of putting things off 'till later - and I end up forgetting.

Notes are the way I do it too, and sometimes I just have to make a list and complete one thing at a time.

Sometimes, I can't remember my own kids names, I get their names mixed up or just refer to them as "hey you."


imac said...

You're not on your own here, er what did I say haha.

Photo Hunt. All details on =

Happy Hunting.

Tom said...

I'm 50 this year and my minds a blank now.. When making a cup of tea, I sometimes put the milk in the cupboard and the tea in the fridge.. I do crazy things like that all the time.. names allude me, but faces from the past jump out at me.
I think it's just my brain having a laugh because I killed some of it's 'cell' with strong beer and cheep cigs...
Thank you for your visit at my place, you are welcome back any time if you remember where I'm at...ha!

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. Enjoyed my visit today.

Karen H. said...

Good Morning Ann,
Oh my goodness, I have noticed that I have been doing the same thing the last couple of weeks. I have to make myself notes so I don't forget things either. I loved the littel cartoon. I guess that's why I can't remember things is because I have too much to remember. LOL. Did you ever get any Snow this week? We got nodda here. Just bitterly cold weather. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

Love & Hugs,
Karen H.

Granny said...

Welcome to the club. I have this great mind for trivia but I can't remember much else.

Little Penpen said...

You're not alone. I make lists, especially when I go shopping! I can't remember what I'm going shopping for, if I have more than one thing to do. Check out Elizabeth's blog.... she's gone back to the chart and star thing... she rewards herself with stars when the chore is done.

Renie Burghardt said...

Hi Ann,

Gee, well, I will add myself to the list here. LOL. Have to write notes all the time to remember things.

The Teacup Cottage said...

I love making lists, but if I'm not careful I will lose them. I have to come up with an organized way of doing things, but I'm always thinking of new lists. I have lists of lists to make (school, work, wedding/vow renewal, etc.) It's sad, but I love it and eventaully get things done!

meggie said...

You made me smile with this post. I get like that! I seem to spend a whole day running in circles.
Some people keep journals telling them what specific task to do on any particular day. I could never do that, I like random, & surprises. The only thing I do regularly, is change the bedlinen every Friday.
I have always disliked routine!

Dapoppins said...

This is the way I clean house...I start, go to put something away, see something else, go to take care of that...and my daughter comes behind me undoing almost everything I just did, only undoing it "with cuteness"