Thursday, April 30, 2009
Purple = Violence Unsilenced
Roses Red
My husband finally bought himself a couple of knock out roses. He had hoped someone would give me one last year for Mother's day. (they are not my favorites) I didn't get one. He told everyone so I thought sure some of the children would get him one for Father's day. One DIL said she looked for some, but the ones she found had bugs in them and the store refused to sell them. So she got something else.

These are his new knock out roses.
The next photo of roses is an old Jackson&Perkins Blaze rose.

We bought these bushes back in the late '60's. We lived in town when they were purchased. We moved to the country a few years later and moved the rose bushes with us. When we built here in '71, the bushes moved one last time. This is the only one left.
This next bush started out as a hybrid yellow rose.

Over the years the canes died back and the red rose roots began to spring up. I think I had two yellow rose buds last year and even that little sprig is gone this year. Oh well, these wild red roses are pretty too!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Holocaust Days Of Remembrance-April 21-26
On Saturday night I got to go see a wonderful play at West Craven High School. The boy who played Otto Frank attends our church. The first picture is a copy of the program.

And below is the cast of characters. Remember some of these names. I feel sure some of them are destined for fame. These talented young people did a wonderful job!

"The Diary of Ann Frank" is one of my favorite books. I would advise everyone to read up on some Jewish History and remember the Holocaust.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Saturday Photo Hunt = Protect(ion)

The first is a borrowed picture. An example of GOD's protection.

In days gone by we would have exposed ourselves to the sun, now we use all the protection we can find to keep the rays of the sun off us.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I get to .....
I went to get my hair cut today. Donna, who cuts my hair, gave me something to think about.
I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to say "I've got to... get up... I've got to...take out the trash... I've got to.. wash the clothes... etc." as if everything is a burden.
She suggested we look at things differently and say..."I get to...get up.... I get to... take out the trash... I get to ... wash the clothes...etc... then we can realize how blessed we are that we still can do all those things...
I probably didn't explain that well, but I intend to start talking and thinking about things differently... Maybe I can break a bad habit.
More Irises are blooming

Monday, April 20, 2009
How Long Do You....
How long do you keep things? Everything becomes sentimental to me. Especially if my grandchildren made it. I have all kinds of things tucked here and there that are so old, but I'm "saving" them.

The wooden "thing" next to the bird house is an example. What do you think it is?
It's a horse. My oldest grandson made it twenty years ago. It is made from old scraps of wood he found in my husband's barn. He painted it too, but the paint has washed off over these years. Our neighbor across the road came over to look at it and nailed it to this light pole. My grandson was about four years old when he made it.
One day my husband was cleaning up and he decided that thing would be thrown away. When I found out, I threw a royal "hissy fit". He went back and nailed it again to the light pole. Its still there today.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Car Dog
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Up From The Grave HE Arose !!
On a dark cold day, Jesus died on Calvary on a cross - nailed by his hands and feet. Buried in the tomb, never to rise. But little did they know he would rise again. Jesus lives.

Low, low in the grave He lay
Jesus my Savior
Waiting the coming day
Jesus my Lord
Oh, and vainly, vainly they watched His bed
The bed of my Jesus
And vainly, vainly they sealed the dead
Jesus my Lord
Death cannot keep its prey
Jesus my Savior
He tore the bars away
Jesus my Lord
Up from the grave He, He arose (He arose)
With a mighty triumph o'er His foes (He arose)
He arose a victor from the dark domain
And He lives forever with His saints to reign
He arose (He arose)
He arose (He arose)
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Mary's Giveaway
This is a sticky note and will remain at the top of the page until April 10.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
How Great Is This?
Yesterday, my friend Meggie sent me an email full of animal pictures. The one below stood out in my mind.

Then today, I opened our local paper to find this. I don't know Kelly Brock, but she had entered her drawing in the weekly contest our paper does for school students. She was the art winner for this week. Her drawing is below.

How great is this? I see the photo one day and the very next day I see the drawing in my paper. Thank you Meggie!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Tornado Watches and Warnings
Today we have been under tornado watches and warnings. Thankfully all we've had is strong thunderstorms and lots of rain. I'm especially glad to see the rain.
We had a beautiful weekend. On Saturday my grandson and his wife visited. We went outside a couple of times. In just a few minutes the can of Dr. Pepper that Ashley was drinking from had yellow dust all over it. POLLEN !! That's the stuff that makes my life so miserable in spring. If it could coat that can so quickly, can you imagine what we were breathing in?Today after the first wave of rain was over I went outside. The yellow stuff in the puddles below is pollen. I'm so thankful that so much of it was washed out of the trees.

The apple blossoms were thankful for the rain too.

The clouds have returned, but we think the worst of the storms are over. I'm so grateful for the rain that washes the pollen out of the trees and air.