My blogging friend
Purple Cucumbers also known as Jessie LaVon is in the hospital. Her daughter Dusty, left a message for me in my comment section, which I have posted below:
This is Dusty,one of Mama's daughters.She has had a really bad night with the pain,If any of her friends here would like to see a donation in a small creation of art , cards or money it would be greatly appreciated. Her hospital bills and meds are running high.Thank you for any thoughts.
It can be sent to
Jessie LaVon
p.o.box 854
Demopolia ,Alabama 36732
Please go and check out Jessie's blog. I'm sure prayers, cards, and Random Acts of Kindness, would be greatly appreciated. ~Ann
Beginning on March 16, our water will be different.
We've been told that a lot of our water will now come from the Neuse River. Before it always came out of the ground. Government has stepped in to tell us how much water we can deplete from underground.
Our water supplier is changing over from chlorine to chloramines. They claim that chloramines last longer and have virtually no odor or taste. (Now they are telling us that long term use of Chlorine may increase our risk of developing serious health issues.)
Great idea, huh?But, they say dialysis patients have to take special precautions. In the dialysis process, water comes in contact with the blood across a permeable membrane. Chloramines in that water would be toxic. Also this water will be harmful to fish and other aquatic animals.
Doesn't this make you just want to go get a quick drink of water? What kind of water do you drink where you live?
A grocery store in town is having a grand opening. This huge shopping cart was brought in to get everyone's attention.
I am amazed all the time about how things have shrunk and cost just as much if not more. For instance, I recently craved some chocolate chip cookies and I wanted the real thing, not the store brand. So I picked them up and put them in my basket. At home after opening the package, which seemed to be the exact same size as before, I found the cookies. They once were about four inches across, but now were just a little bigger than a quarter. And they cost just as much or maybe even more than before.
Then this week I craved chocolate ice cream. The ice cream boxes are much thiner than they once were. The price was just as much.
The paper towels and toilet tissue cost the same but the rolls are much smaller. The boxes for the bath soap are the same, but when you open it, the soap looks as if it has been hollowed out on each side.Peanut butter jars have deeper indentions on the bottom, so you don't get as much as you did before. Cereal Boxes are thinner.
That's just a few examples. On the news tonight, a woman was saying she is buying the same things that she'd always bought and their groceries are gone before the month is over. Oh course they are! The companies are cheating us on everything. The first excuse for this fraud, was that gas was so high, so the companies had to do something to keep their profits up. Okay, so the price of gas has come down, but the packaging is still deceptive, and the prices are still climbing.
The cost for heating fuel is different for certain people. Two homes on the same road get fuel from the same company. One is charged one price, the other has to pay more. I think each person should be able to get the same price.
How stupid do these companies think we are?
I don't think many people can fill their shopping carts and I know very few can buy enough to fill the big one in this photo!
Promises, promises, promises....
I received a card from the phone company way back in December saying I could now get "high-speed" internet. I called the same day I got the card. The person I spoke with, said I would have it by January 22. I was a happy camper! :)
Then just before January 22, I got a call. They wouldn't be able to get it out to my neighborhood by that date. This person said around February 10-12 I would be able to get it.
Didn't happen!! On the 13th of February I saw a truck stop across the road from my house and take the cover off the phone pole. I was getting excited. He replaced the cover and drove off. :(
Then on Monday, February 16, Bruce called. He asked how soon I wanted the service. I asked "Can you come right now?" He said no, they'd have to make a date. So we agreed that today, Wed. February 18, would be the day. He told me someone would have to be here and I told him I would. He couldn't give me a time, so I stayed home all day waiting... It is now 10:17 p.m. I think I've been stood up again!! And they didn't even call with an excuse!!
You think, maybe, they are afraid of this sign?
I received the rest of my Christmas gift from my first son's family on Saturday. They had given me a card at Christmas saying I would receive the movie "Nights in Rodanthe" when the movie was released to DVD.
I don't know about you, but I love watching home movies by myself. I don't want any talking or distractions. So I decided to watch it this afternoon. And I tell you this is a really good movie. But just before it ended I got a telephone call and while I was still on the phone I had a visit from my SIL.
So, on another day, I will attempt to watch the whole movie again. I enjoyed reading the book last year. You know, how most times you say the book was better than the movie? Well, I think this movie is just as good or even better than the book. The ocean scenes make me ready to go back to the Outer Banks. But not now, I want it to be warm when I go to the beach.
I was surprised! The weatherman said north of HWY 264 would get snow. We live south of that. (I'm senile, I'm still using last year's date..LOL)
We just got a light dusting of snow. Probably not enough to measure.
I put on coat and boots to get this picture of my husband feeding his new calf. He is having to hold his head because the nipple on the bottle is the right size for goats but not calves. After this feeding he headed to the store to find a new nipple for the calf.
You were always a good baby. You got plenty of attention. All the girls loved you and Will was especially happy. He had some one to help with all those "big girls". (inside joke)
You were good in sports. All sports....anything you tried you did well. We loved going to your games.
You always had friends. You have never met a stranger and can get along with everyone. I love this about you!
And you have talent! Real TALENT!! I stole this photo from your myspace. Your CD cover, perhaps?
You never cease to amaze me. And here you are playing for your sister's wedding. You make us proud!
Happy Birthday Duncan!!