Thursday, October 16, 2008

Long Time Ago

These people...

And these people...

Along with these people...

Got through the Great Depression without much of this...

And if it becomes necessary, we can do it too!


Donna's chitchat said...

A very simple statement but so profound. We could learn from our

meggie said...

A timely thought. Cutting down on waste would benefit everyone!

Lib said...

Hi Ann,
So true!
I am so Thankful I was raise and taught to live off the land, and living the simple life brings great joy!
Seems today so many doesn't know how to cook, and so many basic things they were never taught.
I was taught the old ways and so Thankful for that!
Have a great evening!

Renie Burghardt said...

Great pictures, Ann!

You know, I lived through a war as a child, and many a times, we were lucky to have even a piece of bread to eat. We made it through that. People can make it through anything with a little help and a lot of prayer.

Have a nice evening.


Willow said...

Yes, we can! And we'll do it with smiles and contentment.

Pat said...

Amen and amen! The key is not to live above your means and accumulate so much debt that you would lose every thing. A little belt tightening won't hurt...really it won't!

Margaret Cloud said...

Pictures speak a thousand words, thanks for sharing this with us, I was born at the heigth of the depression and so was my older sister.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this reminder! It is really true.

Sandi McBride said...

You said it Ann! We are busy growing our greens so that we might eat our greens, lol...the pantry was the best gift Mac ever gave me, I'm busy filling it up!

Deborah Wilson said...

We'll survive..:)

Hey, check out the paper $. In Gold Coin...never seen bills like that before. Does it mean they were actually worth something???
(Given that one had a bill to spend in those days.)

Mary said...


Some of us will be able to do it without problem. I was raised on a farm and was taught from a young age to be frugal. Trading and bartering is going to be an "in" thing once again. Family and neighbors are going to learn to stick together and share, trade or give what they have.

A great post. We need to be vigilant of where and how we spend our money. If times get hard like in the Great Depression, money will do us no good. Things will be rationed and you will only be able to get so much. Thriftiness and frugality will be how we get by.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.


Mo said...

I like beans and rice.
I even like beans without rice.

Carver said...

That is so true. Good post.

The Teacup Cottage said...

I am sometimes amazed by the fact that the more we have, the less we feel we can do on our own. My grandparents were able to do so much more with much less stuff.

mreddie said...

Since a picture is said to be worth a thousand words, this would be four thousand of them and all were well said. :) ec

TO BECOME said...

They went through a lot and I know that with God's help so can we. Nothing is impossible with God. Have a good day, Ancient One. connie