Friday, October 31, 2008
And The Winner Is .......
Thanks to all who entered my give away. This was a lot of fun. I printed and folded your comments... then had my husband make the lucky draw today at noon. Congratulations to the winner. I will contact you now by email and ask for your address. As soon as I have it, I will get your prize in the mail.
Thank you so much Anonymous! Hope you enjoy your winnings!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Fall Bloggy Giveaways
It's fall giveaway time again. Last week I purchased two beautiful "Christmas Gift/Grocery/Tote" bags from Debbie's Etsy Shop. One for me and one for you. And you get first choice. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. Be sure to mention which bag you like "Country"? or "hearts and dragonflies." If you don't blog, you can still enter but you must leave your email address. One lucky winner will be drawn on October 31. I will contact you and you will have one week to reply with your mailing address. Thanks for entering!
Be sure to check out all the other giveways.
More giveaways at the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival!
This contest is now Closed. Winner will be posted later today. Thanks to all who participated. Remember to check out Debbie's other bags in her
Etsy Store.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Under the Weather
Maybe I should say under the blanket.
I'm not feeling well. I suspect sinus/cold infection. I've been on the couch part of the day all wrapped up in this throw.
There is something so comforting in wrapping yourself up in the LORD's Prayer when you are sick. My SIL gave me this throw many Christmases ago. It's one of my favorite things.I did drag myself out today to vote early. We were in and out very quickly. Glad that's done.
Good Updates
The goats are having their babies again. There are two babies in this picture. See if you can find them.
Just a couple of updates to report. Scott is home from Iraq safe and sound according to my SIL. Thanks for all the prayers offered up for our troops!
Addie is home, happy, and pregnant. I received pictures in an email from my Aunt showing the happy couple getting the sonogram done. Such good news to report!
Then on Sunday night our church gave my granddaughter, Jessica,(and Matt) a Bridal Shower after the evening service. They received many nice and useful things.
Hope all is well with my blogging buddies!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Family Reunions
About ninety people came to reconnect.
The oldest in this generation with her youngest great grandchild...
The youngest in the older generation with a grandchild...
Baby here...
A baby there...
Baby here...
Baby there...Young and Old enjoying each other...
We do this every year. The crowd is never the same. Some have passed on since last year. Some made other plans. But whenever we get together, we eat and enjoy each other's company for a few hours before heading back home. See you next year.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Long Time Ago
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Do You Like Eggs

She decorates eggs and has some beautiful ones on her post. Go check her out. She's giving away a kit that someone can use to make the beautiful eggs.
Aren't these pretty? They came from the chicken already colored up in beautiful blues and greens and browns.
My husband once raised these chickens, called Araucana,and we enjoyed the looks on peoples faces when we told them "that's how they come from the chicken." We don't have those chickens any longer but my husband bought these eggs from a man we know. They almost look too pretty to eat.Don't forget to go see Dian and enter her give-away.
Monday, October 6, 2008
This is the church we joined back in the seventies. Yesterday we had a dedication service for the new addition. As you can see it has changed some over the years.
Right Side
Left side
Later Pictures
Left Side
Right Side
And us during the summer on Pastor Appreciation Day Our pastor has been with us for twenty years.
Yesterday was also Home Coming Day. Everyone prepared food and we enjoyed eating together. Tonight starts our first night of REVIVAL. Pray for souls to be saved and Christians to draw closer to the LORD.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Saturday Photo Hunt = Sad
Another Sad thing... the bailout vote passed and was signed by the president. Read/ Ron Paul's statement/ here.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Back To The Fort
If you ever get a chance to see Fort Macon State Park in North Carolina, don't miss it. It's different everytime I go.
Lots of rooms of this fort are open to the public.
And make sure you climb the steps to walk around the top.
An example of some of the foods they ate.
The soldiers were told not to drag their feet and cause static electricity when they went into the powder room. Uh oh, In winter I would have blown us all to pieces.
Someone had asked in the comments on the fort post before this one, How far is the ocean from the fort. If you click on this photo, you can see the ocean from a view off the top wall.
Come to see us!