Friday, February 8, 2008


Addie's home for vacation. Check out her blog!


Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Thank you for entering my giveaway. good luck! I made one of these bowling balls with gems on a couple of summers ago, but I don't have the frog!

Mississippi Songbird said...

I like the frog. So cute.. and I did read Addie's blog.I'm glad she got to come home for a vacation..
Have a great weekend!

ellen said...

they are indeed heavy!...have a safe weekend to you,...and thanks for the visit!.... bless you :)

LivG said...

Very nice, and heavy! That is one fancy bowling ball and a very cute frog!

Linda said...

That's so cute!! I love it! My heavy post is up at

Sandy said...

Got to visit your house. You have the most interesting things.

Pat said...

I love it! I bet it's really something when the sun hits it!

Mary said...

Cute and heavy. Love it.

Anna said...

Perfect pick for this week theme...Thankd for sharing...

Mine is up too:
Every Beat Of My Heart

imac said...

This is a great Heavy photo Hunt.
Its different and very Arty too.

Mac's Macro now showing.

Byrning Bunny said...

That's a bowling ball!! Cool. Moving those cement suckers is hard work -- definitely heavy.
Mine is here:

Sandi McBride said...

Hi Ann, I wanted to run over and tell you thank you for coming in to see me. I love making new friends. I see you know our T*mmy! I am so glad she has returned to blogging publicly at the Pink Magnolia~! I missed her. I love your photos...I noticed several of the folks I visit with are doing the heavy, narrow photo search. Well done!
I'll be back in to see you soon.

Andree said...

a bowling ball on a frog's head! now that is a unique statue!

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome frog statue! Thank you for taking the time to view my blog.

poor man's nicole richie said...

if I kissed that frog, would it turn it into a heavy prince? he seems problematic.

Morning Sniffles

TR Ryan said...

That is indeed a heavy combination. Happy hunting!