So the snow melted and yesterday was balmy and warm. Then last night we had some rain and wind. Today was a little cooler. I ventured out to see what was going on and I found these weird mush rooms...
This is a different angle. They are in my front flower beds. Not very tall but that color will sure catch your eye.
If you want to see something pretty go visit
Please be sure to visit Jessica's Blogspotto see more photos that she might post.
*Note: All pictures can be made bigger by clicking on them.
Jessica's brother, Duncan, played "Here Comes The Bride" on his guitar.
Dad giving his daughter away.
Exchanging rings...You may kiss your bride!
The happy couple are now married.Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman.
The whole wedding party.
Their first dance together as husband and wife.
Jessica dances with her dad.
Matt dances with his mom.
The cutting of the cake.It was a beautiful wedding. My pictures don't do it justice. I wish for Matt and Jessica a long and happy life together.Please be sure to visit Jessica's Blogspotto see more photos that she might post.
Yes, Will, we did get snow! I decided to go outside and snap some shots.
From the front yard.
The south side.
The bushes are covered.
A shot of the woods.
A shot of the hen pen. Can't see many birds. They are staying warm.
The goats have come out to eat. There is always one that will strike a pose.
It is cold. The snow has started again. I'm heading inside. Brrrrrrrrrr!
Just wanted to let you know our weather people finally got one right. How's the weather in your neck of the woods?
I remember when you were born we had snow. Today is your birthday and they are predicting snow for us tonight and tomorrow.
You were our very first grandchild. We knew your name before you were born. You were the III, but we called you Will-Will. All of us loved you soooo much!!
Now you are married and someone else loves you just as much as we do.
Happy Birthday Will !!
Jess and Matt are back from their honeymoon. I had asked Jess to bring me a rock or a shell from the beach at St. Lucia. She brought that and something else for me.
The doll is really two dolls in one. You just flip her over and she has a different head and dress. Isn't that cute?
They brought granddaddy a frog.
When you rub the stick over its back it sounds just like a frog.
They were down on St. Lucia enjoying 80 degree weather while we were back home having our coldest weather of the winter.
Time for my annual "Global Warming" rant. It has been so cold here this week.
I still don't believe that there is a global warming problem. I think someone is making money off all this and I think his name starts with a G.
I think some in my neighborhood do believe. Some have planted palm trees.
I know the picture is poor quality, but if you look closely, you will see palm trees wrapped in tarps. Somehow I think it's not warm enough for palm trees in my neck of the woods.
This is the front of my refrigerator.
Am I the only one who does this? I did have a picture of the side, which has many more magnets and notes attached. I decided I was giving away too much information, so I came back to redo this post, and deleted that shot.
I really need to clear out some of the things that I'm saving.
Another tease. Another cropped picture.
This is the bride's brother and the groom's cousin.
We are waiting for the newly married couple to get back from their honeymoon.
Just a tease. I cropped these two little ones from a larger picture.
They are seeing the groom kiss the bride.
My granddaughter was married today.
It was a beautiful wedding. I will not post any pictures of her wedding yet. She has her own blogspot and might decide to post pictures of her own.