My neighbour's goat ate my bracelet right off my arm once. And it had a dangly watch attached to it, and it ate the watch too. I thought that was the funniest thing that ever happen to me.... I was just 20 then... and didn't know just what goats could do. I am soooooo amazed that they don't eat daffodils.
Love the pictures..and the goats! Maybe they just admire the beauty of them so much they aren't munching....nah, that can't be why. I'm glad they don't though!
But, how do they know they are poisonous? I mean, do they remember that Uncle Bob-the-old man-goat, ate them and died? Do they have some sort of "book of poisonous plants"? Hmmm...wonder what it would say about eating watches off of wrists?? Have a fun day - and I do love the photo of the goats! Colleen
I don't have problems with goats but the deer that come by and have buffet from one neighbor's yard to another including mine. However, they do not seem to bother the daffodils either. Renie said they're poisonous. I have to buy more bulbs then.
That's interesting - that goats and deer seem to know not to eat the daffodils...I too wonder how they know..maybe the daffs have a bitter or bad taste that naturally alerts the animals that the plant is dangerous??
I'm always on the prowl for another way to plant daffodils. I like the way you have them next the stones along the driveway. I've noticed that daffodils seem to thrive next to stones here.
My neighbour's goat ate my bracelet right off my arm once. And it had a dangly watch attached to it, and it ate the watch too. I thought that was the funniest thing that ever happen to me.... I was just 20 then... and didn't know just what goats could do. I am soooooo amazed that they don't eat daffodils.
Love the pictures..and the goats! Maybe they just admire the beauty of them so much they aren't munching....nah, that can't be why. I'm glad they don't though!
I know why. Deer won't eat them either, and it's because they're poisonous!
Love the pictures.
I hope you're doing well, Ann!
Thanks for stopping by wishing me Happy Birthday. That was so nice. Ihad a wonderful day Thanks to all my blog friends and family.
I'm glad goats and deer don't eat Daffodils...I think they are pretty.
I looked this up and daffodils are poisonous. I see that Renie has already let you know. :-)
Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I am feeling a bit better, but still am easily fatigued. Have missed visiting you.
But, how do they know they are poisonous? I mean, do they remember that Uncle Bob-the-old man-goat, ate them and died? Do they have some sort of "book of poisonous plants"? Hmmm...wonder what it would say about eating watches off of wrists??
Have a fun day - and I do love the photo of the goats!
Ummm-new fact...amazing -I thought they ate everything...LOL
Beautiful pictures. That is odd, isn't it?
It's late. I'm making a night round here.Good night...
Happy belated birthday.
I don't have problems with goats but the deer that come by and have buffet from one neighbor's yard to another including mine. However, they do not seem to bother the daffodils either. Renie said they're poisonous. I have to buy more bulbs then.
Nice photos of Goats and Daffs.
oh my! I thought they ate everything~!
I didn't realize you had daffodils along the new driveway... pretty! Maybe I'll see them today!
That's interesting - that goats and deer seem to know not to eat the daffodils...I too wonder how they know..maybe the daffs have a bitter or bad taste that naturally alerts the animals that the plant is dangerous??
It is strange to think the goats dont eat the daffs! They certainly do eat most things!
I'm always on the prowl for another way to plant daffodils. I like the way you have them next the stones along the driveway. I've noticed that daffodils seem to thrive next to stones here.
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