Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Addie/Scott Update

Addie's having trouble getting to her blog. My aunt forwarded her email on. She's doing fine, but missing her husband, family and dog. There were a bunch of pictures attached but I'm only putting up her tree picture. Maybe she will get a chance to post on her own blog and might use these same pictures.

No pictures from Scott. (Well, I did get the baby with Santa picture) I talked with his dad recently. He said Scott is very busy. He is missing his wife and baby. He thinks he will get his break to come home about the time his son reaches his first birthday.

No word from Justin at this time. He left around the 12th of December. Please continue to pray for our troops all over the world. Thanks!!


Karen H. said...

Good Evening Ann,
Thanks so much for stopping by and I was glad to visit with you. Yes, indeed we do need to remember all of our Troops during this time of year especially. I will keep Addie and her family in my prayers. If you would like to, you can get one or both of those banners I have at the top of my post for today and put it/them on your blog. You are more than welcome to use them. I am going to leave them up even after Christmas and will probably leave them there till ALL of our Troops come home. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours. I hope you took a copy of the "Bodacious Blog Award" to put on your Sidebar. I passed them out yesterday to all of my blogging friends.

Karen H.

Little Penpen said...

I'm sure Addie is so homesick. I hope she comes home soon!

Danielle said...

Thank you for posting about our troops being over seas. At this time of year it's extremly hard on them and their families to be so far from home during the holidays. I am so pround of Addie and so proud to be her cousin and I pray for all of our troops everyday!!!


(P.S. thank you for checking out my Addie I thought only myself and my nannie were reading it)

Jenn said...

I hope you have a fabulous Christmas. Praying for you and yours...

meggie said...

My thoughts are there for you! I hope they are kept safe, with everyone's prayers & good thoughts.
Hugs Ann. xx

imac said...

Remembering all troops, specially at Christmas.

come and see the 2 pathways of life.

janie said...

I pray for our troops daily. Thank you for doing so also.

Renie Burghardt said...

Prayers and blessings to Addie, Scott and Justin! God bless them and keep them safe. God bless all our troops!