Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Who is the person who thinks they have to keep improving good things?  I tried to read some of my friend's blogs on my reading list tonight and all I could see was a notice that Google wants you to put a + in front of some one's name for some insane reason.  I also noticed that when I try to print a page from my blog it doesn't print... anywhere else I can print just fine. I guess when you use Blogger  anything you post belongs to them now.

I have noticed that you can get your blog pages printed professionally now.  When I first started blogging, I printed the first two years of  my posts, my self, and put them in a notebook.  A nice way of journeying I thought. I guess I will have to try to out think them and maybe write my post in office and print from there before I put it on Blogger... Hey maybe I won't post on Blogger... I always had to remember that others were reading and so I held back on some of the things I wanted to say.  Just use office and print only for my own journal.  I think I like that idea...

When I first got my computer, I was in a new world.  Anything I could think of, I could find.  Now some of the same sites want to charge for obits after a certain length of time.  I even joined up with something that offered and placed my pictures and information freely and enjoyed sharing with my family.  After a time they wanted me to pay for that site.  I refused and went to take some of my pictures down. They quickly told me that they knew I had "hot linked" a couple of pics.  I laughed at them and still got my pics back.  I hate that they took my information and now it is theirs to pass on to anyone else who pays to use the site.

I will be back to catch up with my blogging friends from time to time.  For now I think I'll be working on making notebooks for my family to enjoy (or not).  I hate change !!


Ms. A said...

You can always send them to yourself by email. That's what I do. Or, you can type them up in email and highlight/copy/paste them to blogger. That way you always have a copy and can even print from there.

Granny Annie said...

Oh no, don't go away!

Little Penpen said...

I hate change too.... And I get nervous thinking about others reading my blog sometimes, too. That's why I'm private again. I like the idea of printing them out...strange that they don't allow you to print your own blog posts!!

Mari said...

I'm very frustrated with Google right now - the fact that they are stopping Google reader is so frustrating. I hate change too.

imac said...

Seems to be everywhere - change is all around us at the moment.

Pat said...

I'll join in the I hate change chorus..especially when it isn't a good change. I blog very little now, mostly because I can't think of any thing to say, but I still love to read my friends blogs.
Leave well enough alone blogger!

possum said...

Well most of the time I do my posts in Word first and can save them as a doc... that way Word catches most spelling errors - note the word MOST.
But the old original blogger was really so much easier to use. Now, I mostly use live writer which then posts to blogger for me. It allows me to do things the old original blogger used to do.

Funny how so often "progress' ain't!

possum said...

I just managed to print a page from your blog and one from mine. But copying to Word works better then I don't get 7 pages of all the stuff in the sidebars.