Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Category 1
Oh, this can't be so bad, it's only a "category 1". Oh, but, I didn't realize Irene would stay so long.

After all, I had seen my yard flooded just like this many, many, times.

And we could see when this tree fell early, that from the window we thought the truck was okay. We had many trees down. Two big oaks fell into our neighbor's front yard. Many were down in the woods.

We thought the storm was over. People were already riding the roads checking out the damage. Then this made me and Irene enemies!! This was the new fence that my husband built, board by board, after his heart surgery.!!

This was her parting shot to us. This was her final goodbye. When this tree fell it sounded like an explosion. It fell just between the new fence and our propane gas tank which has gas in it but was cut off from our house.
This is the damage we can see. We have called the insurance people and they will be out as soon as they can. They said to leave the trees until they get out here to look. We have no idea how soon that will be.
Don't ever take a "catagory 1" hurricane lightly. Irene hung around our house from 8 in the morning until 8 at night. I've never been so glad to see someone GO AWAY!!

The least she could have done was pick up her mess and take it with her. Oh well, what do you expect from an uninvited guest. Now we must get on with the clean up. I'll be busy for awhile.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Getting Ready
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Storm's Coming..
The weather people say there is a good chance we will get a visit from Hurricane Irene before this week is done. They have already issued evacuation from Ocracoke on the outer banks.

We will need to be making preparations around here. I guess I'll remove all these blue bottles and put them inside somewhere. They were very hard to come by and I would hate to lose them, since so many friends and family donated them to me.

I think my husband will use that ladder to go around and clean all the gutters again before the storm gets here. We will bring in some things out here, but probably just turn the rockers over and move them closer to the house.

This little guy is going to be moved. He's heavy but not sure if his umbrella can stand up to high winds.

I think for sure I should gather these bottles up and put them somewhere safe.

The flags definitely will come in. The soldier at the end of the walk is cement and very heavy. So is the frog at the other end. They will stay put.

This is my new porch furniture. This settee will definitely come in. Last hurricane we had, I slept on couch cushions on the floor in front of my stove and husband slept on our old wicker settee also in kitchen.

I don't know where I'll put all this stuff, but it will be inside somewhere. I will probably think of a thousand more things to do, but I'm going to wait until the storm gets closer. Maybe it will turn back out to sea.
Just about the time I posted this I felt a slight earthquake tremor. A 6.0 quake hit in Virginia.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Photo Hunt - Drink

I need to work on the fruits of the spirit.
Some days it seems as if reports of other's sicknesses are just overwhelming. I have to give it all to my Heavenly Father. I pray and leave it with HIM. I know HE is able to heal. I also know that HE has a plan for all of our lives and whatever HE does and allows is GOOD!! Thank YOU LORD for all YOUR promises.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Do You Swag?

Are you signed up for Swagbucks? I use their search bar to get swagbucks. As soon as I have enough for a $5 giftcard from Amazon, I get it, and immediately upload it to Amazon. I let them sit there until I get enough for what I want. If it is a $25 order, Amazon ships it free. I'm never going to get rich from Swagbucks, but it sure is nice to get something absolutely free every now and then.
Ann Just Won 9 Swag Bucks at www.swagbucks.com
Be rewarded with Swag Bucks, the web's premiere digital dollar. Whether it's searching the web, answering polls, or shopping online, Swag Bucks will show you how to earn rewards for the activities you're already engaging in, with NO STRINGS ATTACHED...
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Way Back
You never know where you will find treasure.

This is an old picture of people in my home town watching a parade. Someone started a page "You might be from A____ if" on facebook. Then someone posted this picture. The man in the white shirt in the middle of the picture, died in a home fire years ago. I'm sure all their pictures. etc. were lost. I uploaded this picture to Snapfish and took two copies to his son... one for him... one for his sister.
I value old pictures. I have been known to rescue some of people I don't know. There are a couple of blogs I follow who show old photos... hoping to find some one (family) who will want the pictures.
I once visited a friend and we were going through some old pictures and I saw one that pictured my granddaddy and another man. I asked her about the picture and she said "I know this one is my uncle, but I don't know who the other person is." I told her I was sure it was my granddaddy and I wanted a copy. She let me make copies and when I asked my dad if that was granddaddy, he said, "it sure is, but I've never seen this picture before."
As I said, you never know where you will find treasure."
Friday, August 12, 2011
Photo Hunt - One
These photos were not taken by me. They were taken of my great-grandson for his first birhday. This is his mom's favorite.
This one is my favorite.

Happy Hunting!HERE!!
Happy Hunting
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Quite Day

The thyroid doctor told my husband that she was turning him loose yesterday, his family doctor can keep him checked with his thyroid levels. He just had some bloodwork done and we came on home.
Today there was no doctor's appointments and no where we had to go. He worked outside and I took it easy inside.
We did go visit his sister on Sunday. It was exactly one year since she had her stroke. She has improved all through the year. She knows what we are saying, but she still hasn't recovered her speech completely. Her daughter told us that she can now walk about 50 feet using the four pronged cane. We haven't seen her do this, because, when we visit on the weekends, the PT people who help her walk are off work. Her family has built a wheelchair ramp at her home and widened some of the doors so that when they say she can go home, everything will be ready. She is looking forward to getting home.
The picture was taken while it was raining. We got lots of rain on Saturday and more on Sunday night. The weeds are jumping and the lawn mowers are coming in again.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Blogger comment section doesn't always work for me.

It isn't every time... just hit and miss... sometimes I can leave comments.. sometimes not. Just tried on Mary's blog. The thingy came up for me to sign in (which I did) and tried to post and it sent me right back to the sign in thingy again. When it does this, I give up and move on to the next blog.
Even though I couldn't comment I did enjoy reading the post. (Mary and the bird playing in the water). It happens a lot. If you can see that I have visited but didn't comment that's probaby why. (couldn't comment on Margaret's either.)Do you think that Blogger made a change and I didn't get the memo? LOL