Debbie of Home Making Dreams chose to give me this award. Now I get to choose some people I would like to honor.

These are the rules for the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate 10 other blogs for this award
4. Add links to those blogs
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
6. Give a reason why you consider their blogs cool
So Here Goes:
Meredith whose blog is an inspiration. She has so many tips on how to do wonderful things with out spending much money. She also just recently had a baby, and y'all know I love babies.
Lyn just had a major change in her life. This was one of those blogs I just found and loved immediately.
Meggie is someone I consider a friend. From the first time I read her blog I felt a connection. She is serious at times and funny at times. One of my favorites!
Sarge Charlie has a blog that's more political. He also can tell wonderful stories with pictures of himself and Miss Bee.
Deborah who loves history as much as I do. I enjoy learning about the history of her neck of the woods.
Rose Princess who is always looking after her soldier's families and her own soldier husband. She definitely supports our troops.
Desparate Horsewife has such an interesting blog. She's all about saving horses and her adventures with Darling and City Boy keep me coming back for more.
Mobunny homeschools and takes care of her family. Her posts are usually very short, but always interesting.
This girl and I go back aways. She even blogged with me about possums and taught "possum sex." I enjoy her photos of her flowers and her stories of her cats. (And she's sending me some seeds of a Beauty Berry Bush.)
Penny, who is my daughter and got me started blogging. Who ever knew you could meet so many people all over the world and find something in common with most of them.
The rules said choose ten. But all my friends on my blog list deserve this award. So to anyone who reads my blog and would like to have this award, please take it. No one will mind.
Thanks Debbie.