We were just talking among ourselves.
Wouldn't you rather have someone in Washington DC who would pray over matters of great importance, than those who just want to meet to "have a beer" and talk about it?
Wouldn't you rather have someone in Washington DC who would do the right thing no matter how many votes it cost them?
Wouldn't you rather have someone in Washington DC who would listen to the people in their districts rather than lining their own pockets?
We're thinking we might just put up someone from the herd to run for office. We're thinking "People" just don't get it!
Some one invited me to join facebook... and I did. Someone invited me to join Farm Town...and I did. Thanks to whoever invited me first...I think?
I love to be asked to harvest a farm that has blue berries. You can earn many coins harvesting them. And you can do that in the air conditioning!
These blue berries were picked this morning in the hot sunshine over next to the woods in my side yard. I keep the noise muted when I work on Farm Town so I don't know what kinds of sounds you can hear while harvesting.
Today, I was first aware of the chickens singing their songs when they have laid an egg. It's called cackling! Then I heard the guineas making their noises. They are kinda' loud. Then I heard an owl hooting softly off in the distance. As I was picking, I heard an occasional car pass. It was very peaceful and the berries were plentiful. Occasionally I would hear a lawn mower crank up as my husband tested it to see if he had finished working on that one. All was fine. Until I got hot. And it seemed as if things were biting me. Time to leave that job for now and go back to the air conditioning to cool down.
Hummmm, wonder if I have time to harvest someone's farm while I rest.
Look, I'm not the only one who's hooked. My SIL has changed the name of her farm recently... it is now "Paisley's Place." Don't get a bunch of us Farm girls talking about all the jobs we've been bumped off. Have a nice day... I got farming to do.
On a beautiful sunny day we took a trip back to Fort Macon. There was to be firing of the cannons every few hours. We first went to this covered deck with a delicious cool breeze blowing through.
We enjoyed seeing others enjoying the beach below.
All these photos can be made larger to enjoy.
There was plenty going on to keep us looking.
After a while we ventured down in to the sunshine and made our way over to the Fort. We asked this gentleman how much longer until the next cannon firing. He said another hour and a half.
Just inside the fort we found all these gentlemen waiting in the shade.
We took another very quick tour. It was so hot we decided not to wait for the next cannon firing. We hurried back to the car and the air conditioning.
Believe it or not, my husband decided to take the 4th of July off and leave home so we wouldn't be bothered with customers. This is an antique place in Swansboro, N.C. We decided to check it out.
This place had several old buildings filled with wonderful things. In the front yard they had several statues and old junk placed "just so" to catch your attention.
The way things were displayed all around the outside really caught my attention.
These pictures can be clicked on to make them bigger.
This next one is for Margaret my blogger friend who loves old bottles like me.
Inside were the pretty things. So many things to catch your attention.
The painted windows were very interesting to me. I thought this one was unique.
I had many more pictures but decided this is enough for one post. I love old things! If you get a chance visit my friend
Margaret by clicking on her name.