Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It Doesn't Seem Fair
He was found witn several insect bites on his arms and legs, and bruises on his legs and buttocks that may have been caused by a rod-like instrument. He also had marks on his wrists and legs consistant with plastic ties.
His dad, Brice McMillian entered an Alford plea of second degree murder and so did the step mother. Brice McMillion was sentenced to 10 to 13 years in prison. His stepmother entered an Alford plea and she was sentenced to 13 to 16 years in prison. (an Alford plea means the McMillians do not admit guilt but acknowledges prosecutors had enough evidence to possible win a conviction.
They say they didn't mean to kill their son. He was being punished (what for?.... was never discussed..) No matter the reason, no one should be treated as this boy was treated. Somehow the sentence doesn't seem fair.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Already Tired
My neighbor asked us to pick her garden while she is away. Today was the day for me to pick. We've had lots of rain this spring and the weeds have about out grown the vegetables. Still I got a nice picking of green beans, squash, and cukes. I spied a couple of red tomatoes, but they went to mush when I tried to pull them. They were so pretty on the top, but rotten on the bottoms.

When the seeds are just planted, I can hardly wait until the crops come in. Yet, after eating them for a couple of times, I'm already tired. When all the children were home to help eat it up, I enjoyed vegetables all summer. With just the two of us the leftovers last too long. *sigh* They will be ready to pick again before we get all of this eaten. I think everyone planted gardens this year. Everyone plants the same things so its hard to share.*grin*
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Rain Is Good
Again this year, I'm going to try speckled butter beans in the pots around the light poll.

We had rain this morning. It will be good for the plants. My daughter sent photos of her yard and garden this morning. Her creek is rising. I was amazed at the color in her creek. I forget about all the red clay in her neck of the woods.
Since lunch we have had a lull in the rain. Mom and I had planned to go "to town" today. When I called, she said "let's wait". Maybe tomorrow...
Face Book
So I've been on Face Book for maybe a month. And I have joined two causes. The first is "Justice for Tyler McMillion".
Today his dad pled guilty to second degree murder. He is going to testify in his wife's trial and after that he will be sentenced. This boy's dad and his stepmother tied him outside to a tree to disipline him. (Haven't heard what the boy did to deserve it.) It was on one of the hottest days we had last year. And the air was filled with smoke from the fire near the Outer Banks. He was tied to the tree all night and most of the next day. Late in the afternoon the stepmother called 911. He died from dehydration and heat stoke. They say his body was bitten by insects. It made me sick when I heard it and I have not forgotten him. Last Friday was the one year anniversary of his death.
The other cause I have joined is the Fire David Letterman website. I think the "jokes" he made at the expence of Sarah Palin and her two daughters is a slam at women everywhere. Imus was fired from CBS for saying "Nappy". I agree he should have been fired. Now I think Dave should be fired also.

It is time to stand up and let the sponsers of his show know how upset we are over his remarks. No wonder there is so much violence against women and girls in this country. If you are interested there is a website here.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Saturday Photo Hunt = Lock

This week Tennesse Chick chose "LOCK" for the theme. So out I went to look for a lock. Surely we had some somewhere.
This is the way we lock the gate to the goat pen.

And this is the way we lock these big doors.

Well this is a differnt kind of lock but its not working right now.

Would you call this a lock on the chain link fence?

At last I found a lock here on this old barn. There's feed for the goats in here.

And here's another one. There's hay for the goats in here.

This gate is beside the road. Anyone can open this gate. Surely there is a lock on this gate.

I'll leave you guessing.
PhotoHuntWednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Back To Grimesland
Yesterday we went to "Poor Boy's Flea Market." We got there after lunch and most of the venders were packing up. We took a quick walk through the grounds and didn't buy anything. Then we came back through Grimesland.
I posted about this store last September. This time we found it open.
Many bloggers expressed interest in the Chinese warriors that were guarding the windows. The owner of the shop,Charlotte Burch, said they came from China. The large life size pieces started around $1500.00. She also has smaller pieces and whole sets (maybe 4 inches high) with about 5 pieces in the box that were marked around $17.50.

She said her husband is the collector. They buy all over the world. They have a store packed with amazing treasures. Large decorative French cabinets from the 1800's, beautiful old china, many old stain glass windows, other stained glass pieces, beautiful cigar boxes, old bottles, books,... just everything you would expect to see in an antique place.
So what did I buy, you ask? Two painted bricks by a local artist, Virginia Ferguson.

The name of this store is Shipwreck Antiques. The Address is: Hwy 33-PO Box 519 - Grimesland North Carolina 27837. Open Saturday 10-5 and Sunday 1-5 ONLY. E-mail address is shipwreckantiques at embarqmail dot com. They have started a website that can be found Here.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Saturday Photo Hunt = Advertisement

This business is located on the road I live on. This is their sign.

And this is a product they make that I really buy and use.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
This grandson was involved in a wreck on Sunday night. (5/31/09) He swerved to miss an animal on the road, lost control and flipped his Toyota. The truck was totaled. Every glass except one in a back door was broken ... even the sunroof was broken. The LORD was truly with Duncan. He was able to get out with only a large scrape on his left shoulder. We are all so thankful for GOD's protection.