This is one of my favorite books. It is a first edition #69111. It is full of paintings and I will share a few with you.

This is one of my favorite books. It is a first edition #69111. It is full of paintings and I will share a few with you.
My husband has seen Bald Eagles over the catfish ponds. He took me down there late yesterday. I saw a couple perched high in the trees. They flew off as soon as they saw us get out of the truck. The Hispanic man who looks after the ponds told us the Eagles get "free fish" all the time. It is against the law to kill them. I have no pictures of Eagles to show you as my camera is old and cheap. The sunset is the best I could do. Enjoy!
Sunday was the annual Butler Family Reunion. It was held at the Grifton Depot again this year.
We had one of our larger crowds this year. These are a few of the people coming in.
The best part for me is meeting all the little ones that weren't here last year.
But for some the food is the best reason for a family reunion. Some didn't wait for the real food... some were eating fruit early. Caught you! LOL
No reason to hurry. There was way too much food as usual. And some of us hurt when we left... its called over-eating. I had some good banana pudding! YUM YUM!
This is the calf that my husband raised on a bottle.
About two weeks ago, he was loaded up and taken to the Market. He weighed over 200 pounds and my husband was satisfied with the check he recieved.
The goats are having kids again. Little ones running everywhere. Too many animals. Husband couldn't spend enough time looking after everyone, so Calf was sent away.
There's also a funny story about Husband taking an unexpected ride on the bull that might have convinced him the time was right to send him on to market. But I won't tell that one. Ha ha
Someone bought a mighty fine animal. Just don't let him come up behind you.
Matt, we met on May 16, 1992. I loved you at first sight. I thought Holly, your sister, would never give me a turn to hold you. But she did.
You didn't wait around being a baby too long. You were an easy child to keep. You knew how to play all alone... and sometimes you were "Mattman".
And boy did you love the water. You were a great swimmer, even though, Grandma made you wear those orange "swimmies" longer than you needed them.
I'm sure you were ready to drive Grandad's tractor, but "nervous nelly" grandma just let you take your picture on it. You were my youngest grandson and I wanted to protect you too much.
You gave baseball a shot one summer. I enjoyed going to your games.
Of all my grandsons, you loved to climb the best. Remember how Granddad and I use to tease you about looking up to the rooftop of your school when we rode by, expecting you to be up there. (which you never were!)
You did play soccer in school. Even though I didn't understand the game, I sure loved to see you play.
And then in high school, you loved to go on the skiing trips. One trip you broke your arm and kept right on skiing. Then last time you broke your collar bone and kept on skiing. The xray sure looks like that would really hurt and I know it did. Yet you stayed and skied and never saw a doctor until you got home. You are one tough boy!
And after this school year finishes up, you will need to go just one more year to high school. Over the years, I've enjoyed watching you grow. I like going to your basketball games, and your concerts, school plays, etc...I love that you came to give me a ride on your new truck when you got your license.
And when you go back to school next fall, you will be a senior. My last little grandson will soon be completely grown. You are a fine young man and we are so proud of you. May God Bless You Always!!
After seeing my post of the cards Imac sent me,Becci wrote that she would like to send me an Iris folded card her sister,Bobbi, had made. And today it came.
Her twin sister made this card. There is a small picture of her on the back.
This is a closer look at the detail. If you click on the picture you can see the detail even more.
This is the inside. I know the paper on the front is folded and used for the color of the butterfly. I don't know why the pieces of paper are on the top inside. Maybe Becci or her sister can explain. This is such a unique card. Have any more of you made folded Iris cards?
Somehow when Bicci said "Iris Folded Card" I expected it would have an Iris on the cover. I must say, I am so pleased with this butterfly. I guess I will go google to see how this one is made.
All I can say is this. The card is so beautiful. And I really thank Becci for sharing her card. Thank you again for this wonderful gift.
Give Becci a visit if you get a chance.Mother and baby are doing well. Isn't he cute?
I love babies !!
Thanks to Aunt Elsie for the pictures!