Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Moving Impatiens
We finally got some good rain last night. So today I started moving impatiens.

They now have their flowers open so I can tell what kind I am moving. I filled one pot with salmon colored plants. I planted red up around the front porch. I planted a line of pink next to the shelter. All of these are volunteers, and so you never know what colors will come back. I find that the white ones are not very plentiful. So far I have not seen a single white one in all those plants. I sure hope it rains again tonight so I don't have to keep watering all those I'm moving.
Debbie, you will notice that I put a frog in a turned over pot. I told you I was going to copy your idea.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Do You Pull Over?
There has been a lot of discussion in our paper lately about a southern tradition. When you meet a funeral procession, do you pull over to the side of the road and wait for all the cars to pass, before proceding on?
There is not a North Carolina law that says you have to do this, but it is just something that is done to respect the dead person's family. I always pull over.
Some of the people commenting on this issue, feel that it is a foolish tradition. I just wondered if you pull over?Monday, June 6, 2011
Just Can't Win Today
Not a good day for people with allergies. The winds have shifted and the smoke from a wildfire in Dare County is blowing back our way.

And then I was right about cutting the wheat field today. All kinds of dust is going on across the road. I won't even mention the pile of trash my husband burned while I took my mom to the doctor this morning.

This pretty pink petunia was a volunteer that came up at my back door. I planted it in this pot and put it on the front porch.
We need some rain to settle the dust and put out that wildfire.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Day Lilies
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
It's Hot Y'all...

So, I talked to mom on the phone today, and she says she is managing fine. Her leg still burns where the skin tear is, but its not too bad. The EKG her family doctor did showed nothing new. She has talked to mom's heart doctor and we have a new appointment for July.
My husband has seen the cardiologist and he passed him to have the thyroid surgery. So he will be facing that on June 28. It is suppose to be just an overnight stay in the hospital.
It is so hot in our neck of the woods this week. Yesterday the goats bumped the gate and it came open and they skinned our best looking tomato plant. My husband said if he had pulled the plant and thrown it over the fence to them, they would have turned up their noses at it. Anyway, he quickly got them back in and we have more tomato plants.
We have picked our first squash. I will cook them today. The cukes are coming along, not running up the fence yet, but some almost ready to pick.
Hope all of you are staying cool.