Seems like forever now that I've grown a vine of some kind on that night light in the back yard. This year I planted speckled butter beans in six pots around the pole. Didn't have to water these as much as usual, since we had a rainy summer this year. Look how tall it got. So far this one takes the record!

Several people asked me how I was going to pick these beans. I said I'd probably just get the ones on the bottom. This morning I took my mom to the doctor. When I got home this is what I saw. Think he is picking beans.. nope, just pulling the vines down from around the light..LOL Maybe I can reach some of the ones hanging down now.

You all know I have this favorite cousin who visits me. She often brings along presents and she did so again... three blue bottles for my bottle tree. WONDERFUL !!!
But do you know this cousin who loves me so much and is so good to me, did something I wasn't expecting. She brought a dog into my house !!!!! Just look at his picture below !!!!
Gotchya!! Some of you may have already seen his video on Facebook. It was really too dark for my camera... but I thought it was fun. Dogs like this and stuffed toy dogs I can handle. But all others need to stay outside. LOL Thanks Janice for the fun time Sunday afternoon!