On a dark cold day, Jesus died on Calvary on a cross - nailed by his hands and feet. Buried in the tomb, never to rise. But little did they know he would rise again. Jesus lives.

Low, low in the grave He lay
Jesus my Savior
Waiting the coming day
Jesus my Lord
Oh, and vainly, vainly they watched His bed
The bed of my Jesus
And vainly, vainly they sealed the dead
Jesus my Lord
Death cannot keep its prey
Jesus my Savior
He tore the bars away
Jesus my Lord
Up from the grave He, He arose (He arose)
With a mighty triumph o'er His foes (He arose)
He arose a victor from the dark domain
And He lives forever with His saints to reign
He arose (He arose)
He arose (He arose)
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
He has risen. He Lives!!
If you have a chance to pick up a copy of His Name is Jesus, be sure to do so. It's a marvelous book.
Happy Easter to you and yours.
Easter blessings to you on this most amazing day.
Many Easter blessings sent to you on this glorious day!
Hi Ann,
Amen Sister!
Easter Blessins' to you and yours!
Amen! I hope you have a wonderful Easter!
Hallelujah He arouse!
Happy Easter to you and yours!
Easter Blessings to you and all the family. Love you.
Beautiful post.
HI Mrs. ann, So sad that there are folks who only think Easters is bunnies and egg hunts.....nothing wrong with a little fun, but THEY NEED TO FIND THE TRUE MEANING OF EASTER> PRAISE GOD HE LIVES!!
I hope that you and yours had a good Easter, we did, especially the kids. We had a good break weather-wise, it was sunny and warm - but still a little cool nip in the air. But at least the rain let up.
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