Monday, April 6, 2009

Tornado Watches and Warnings

Today we have been under tornado watches and warnings. Thankfully all we've had is strong thunderstorms and lots of rain. I'm especially glad to see the rain.

We had a beautiful weekend. On Saturday my grandson and his wife visited. We went outside a couple of times. In just a few minutes the can of Dr. Pepper that Ashley was drinking from had yellow dust all over it. POLLEN !! That's the stuff that makes my life so miserable in spring. If it could coat that can so quickly, can you imagine what we were breathing in?

Today after the first wave of rain was over I went outside. The yellow stuff in the puddles below is pollen. I'm so thankful that so much of it was washed out of the trees.

The apple blossoms were thankful for the rain too.

The clouds have returned, but we think the worst of the storms are over. I'm so grateful for the rain that washes the pollen out of the trees and air.


Michele said...

I am also so very greatful for that rain washing away some of the really did a number on my head this weekend into this morning. I am feeling much better now...hope you will too!

imac said...

Dreadfull storms, but what wonderful photos you produce after.

Margaret Cloud said...

That is one reason I like to see the rain in early spring, it washes all the winter crud off, including like you said pollen. We are still very chilly here and to day the winds are blowing pretty good. Thank you for coming by and have a nice Easter.

Heather said...

wow that is some major pollen. thankfully it hasn't hit here too bad yet.

Mary said...


I'm glad you got some rain and that the pollen was washed out of the trees.

We've had a mixture or rain and snow all day. Not what I was hoping for after the beautiful day yesterday, but tomorrow is to be the same. I'm hoping it warms up later in the week. I'm itching to clean up my gardens and the plumbers need to dig up that flower bed and get the broken pipe fixed. That will happen Thursday, weather permitting.

Have a great week, my friend.

Pat said...

That's a lot of pollen!
Every Spring when we go up to Northern Michigan to open our cottage for the season everything is covered in that yellow stuff! The green deck that goes around the place almost looks yellow. It can be quite a mess, both on your nose and on your house!

Renie Burghardt said...


I am glad you didn't get tornado's, or anything else severe. Yes, the rain is always good at this time of the year. I don't have apple trees, but my pear and peach trees are done blooming and have tiny fruit forming on them.

I must be one of a very few, but I am not bothered by pollen! Not in the least.

Hope the storms have moved out. We had some rain last night, and it turned the air chilly! Brrr. Will warm back up again by Wednesday.

Have a great rest of the week.


Sandy said...

Those apple blossoms are so beautiful.

Maddy said...

I've only ever seen a tornado on the telly and that's just about as close as I wish to get thank you. Fingers crossed.

Little Penpen said...

Wow, lots of pollen! I know you have been miserable. I've always been happy that I didn't inherit that allergy thing from you, but I noticed while I was riding in the car yesterday, that my throat started itching a little. I know that is nothing compared to your problems, but I realized how heavy the pollen must be to do that to me, no longer than I was out!

Sarah Lulu said...

Please be so careful of tornadoes!

The apple blossoms are so pretty.

Amazing to think we are in the middle of Autumn and you are in Spring!