I got the book "The Help" for my birthday. Once I got started reading, I wanted to read it straight through.
Most of my family saw the movie recently.
Now that I've read the book, I would like to see the movie. The movie is never as good as the book, in my opinion. I guess I like my imagination better than the movie director's interpretation.
The book is about black maids and their white employers in the south during the 1960's. Most of the stories are told by the black maids. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks Penny!
I loved that book!
I usually enjoy reading the book first but I'm looking forward to seeing the movie...although I usually wait till it comes out in DVD.
You might enjoy "The Long Walk Home" a 1991 movie with Sissy Spacek and Whoopie Goldberg which takes place in 1955 in Alabama. One of my all time favorite movies of this genre (I think I've watched it at least 8 times! LOL
I've heard nothing but good things about both!
Oh to have the time to sit and READ! I just might order that book and hope for some time to read it. But I am grateful my health allows me to be on my feet enough to be busy!
I have seen the movie advertised and it looks like fun. But books are always better.
I honeymooned on Ocracoke... Loved visiting OBX... it must be a mess. Is "The HOuse" in Rhodanthe gone? I know it was condemned but some folks were trying to save it.
I read the book. Next I listened to the unabridged audio book with wonderful actors portraying the voices. I was waiting to see the movie with my sister but we never got to go and now it has left my town. I hear the movie goes right along with the book and will now wait for it on dvd.
My grandparents always had a black housekeeper and I remember when they installed a third bathroom in their basement. They were civil rights advocates so I can't believe they installed the bathroom for their maid but if they did it was surely for her convenience since the washing and ironing was done in the basement and she spent a lot of time there. Guess I'll never know. I do remember that when their church had a visiting black church come from out of town, my grandparents housed a black family in their home and shared the upstairs bathrooms with them.
I'm glad you loved it! Now you know what was in the pie! LOL
It was a good book...but it made me sad
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