You never know where you will find treasure.

This is an old picture of people in my home town watching a parade. Someone started a page "You might be from A____ if" on facebook. Then someone posted this picture. The man in the white shirt in the middle of the picture, died in a home fire years ago. I'm sure all their pictures. etc. were lost. I uploaded this picture to Snapfish and took two copies to his son... one for him... one for his sister.
I value old pictures. I have been known to rescue some of people I don't know. There are a couple of blogs I follow who show old photos... hoping to find some one (family) who will want the pictures.
I once visited a friend and we were going through some old pictures and I saw one that pictured my granddaddy and another man. I asked her about the picture and she said "I know this one is my uncle, but I don't know who the other person is." I told her I was sure it was my granddaddy and I wanted a copy. She let me make copies and when I asked my dad if that was granddaddy, he said, "it sure is, but I've never seen this picture before."
As I said, you never know where you will find treasure."
That's wonderful! My hubby feels this way about yearbooks. Wonders why people would get rid of them? He did almost the same thing you did, only with a yearbook.
I think pictures are treasures too - what a wonderful find!
Your post was an interesting post to read.
Here I am. It is my real name. Abraham (my grandfather's middle name, "Wesley") Lincoln. I am Abraham Lincoln ('cause I leave the Wesley part out).
And, yes, I am related to President Lincoln, a third cousin – we shared one of our great grandfathers. Now, you can tell your kids or your friends and relatives that you got a comment from a real Abraham Lincoln.
I am on a kind of vacation but get out and about when I have too much on my mind. They brought the new roof yesterday. That was a HUGE surprise to us. We had been going at the insurance company, back and forth, and then they showed up. Not much of a vacation...I drug my oxygen tank around a couple of times marveling at this monumental truck with a crane on it that transported whole skids of stuff up on the roof.
Back to your old photo. I think it is marvelous that you find and are able to use the old photos. I sometimes see whole albums at garage sales (before I started blogging) and never bought them ($1.00 or two each). I would buy them now.
How wonderful!! I saw this pic, but would have never recognized him. I have been staring at it and trying to "remember" him... what kind of uniform is he wearing?
Old photos make you wonder how life was in those days.
Pen, some of the people in town are saying it is his "Little Mint" shirt. Glen says his mama and Judy are standing next to him on his right.. and Buddy Faulkner is right beside him, and Buddy's wife and her sister in law are standing right behind him...
I'm so happy that Abe Lincoln came by to see me... LOL
I wonder if that could be Leon Taylor and Linda behind buddy f?
We have so many old photos from grandparents and others that have no identifying names on them. In the early days of computers I gathered photos on 3 1/2 discs and carefully labeled each picture. Now computers do not include those disc drives and the one on our computer is broken so we have an untold number of photos lost forever unless I can find someone who can transfer them to flash drives. However those small flash drives will soon be replaced by tiny memory chips I am sure. Yikes, oh for the days of actual photographs on Kodak paper.
What a neat old shot. Reminds me of the old days when I was a kid and we "dressed up" to go no place at all, but just out in public. G-ma would never have let me out of the house if I was dressed the way young folks dress today.
What a "treasure". It is always interesting to see old pictures. Stacy Bowen Gaskins is gathering copies of old pictures of Ayden for history for the Collard Festival. She might be interested in this picture, especially since they are watching an Ayden Parade. Thanks for sharing!
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