Friday, March 18, 2011

Photo Hunt - License Plate

And this is all about me. But this idea is not original with me. My daughter ordered my granddaughter an old license plate with her name on it from eBay. And I decided I wanted one... or two...or more

These are not vanity plates. It seems they are anniversary plates. Therefore they have my name "ANN" on them. I actually have a couple more that were not pictured at this time. I must have reached my second childhood, you think?


Mike Golch said...


YTSL said...

Don't think they're childish at all! So, no, don't think you've reached your second childhood just yet! :D

Sandy said...

This is so cool , Ann...didn't know you did it
Mine's up, too

Granny Annie said...

Uh, I think those are mine:) xo (another) Ann

Susan Demeter said...

What a neat collection! :)

Trekcapri said...

Hi Ann, this is a great collection and wonderful choice for this week's theme. You have a really nice blog.

Have a great weekend.

LifeRamblings said...

very cool license plates.

Carver said...

These are great. This week's theme was ready made just for you. Happy weekend.

eastcoastlife said...

They are so cool! How I wish I could use my own vanity license plate here in Singapore!

Lib said...

How neat.Love the idea ,never seen it before!
Have agreat wk.end.

Debbie J said...

That's a really neat idea!

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Hopping over from ECLife, right chicken feed is expensive in US and every where haha. Nice License plates to hang from top of the ceiling to the floor.

MaR said...

Great collection, very unique!
Enjoy your weekend.

Ingrid said...

At least they are fancy ! In Belgium we have boring licence plates, all the same, white with red numbers and letters !