I was surprised! The weatherman said north of HWY 264 would get snow. We live south of that. (I'm senile, I'm still using last year's date..LOL)

We just got a light dusting of snow. Probably not enough to measure.

I put on coat and boots to get this picture of my husband feeding his new calf. He is having to hold his head because the nipple on the bottle is the right size for goats but not calves. After this feeding he headed to the store to find a new nipple for the calf.
we got a little snow yesterday and this morning too! i didn't think that would happen, lol! the baby cow is so cute!
awwwww, how cute is that!
smiles, bee
That picture of the calf reminds me of a time on my uncles farm. He wanted me to feed the new calf, knowing all the time what would happen. At that time you put the milk in a sterilized bucket snd tried to get the calf to drink, I approached the calf and proceeded to put her head in the bucket, when all of a sudden she threw her head up and the bucket went flying and I thought my heart would stop, it scared me to death, all the time my uncle was busting a gut.
No snow here but it was sure cold enough!
I love your scripture in your header. It's one of my favorite ones. :o)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Our power and internet is still intermittent but getting better, hopefully.
Came over from Bee's place. I like your place, nice family. Nice snow. We are pie people too, all four of my girls are award winning pie bakers and bread makers. Pie is so good it doesn't need a special month to promote it! But I here that March 14 may be the date for pie.
I love your little bit of snow. We have snow to the eves of our house. I came to your blog from my sister Donna's Blog. We're snowbirds heading for SC next week. I'm hoping it warms up in NC/SC soon... In any case, it's warmer than where we are now!
A dusting of snow is pretty, what we have is annoying! But..Spring can't be far off, and I can't wait!
That picture of the calf is so precious. It's hard to imagine that that little calf will grow so big...so soon!
Beautiful! How that brings back the memories! Cows are people, and calves are so sweet.
That is a darling photo! So cute and a hubby who cares - wonderful way to start morning! Thanks!
Wow... into February and you're still dating your windshields 2008! *wink*.
You got what we missed here in Raleigh. I was out with the Tonka Unit the night before and got to see all 24 flakes that fell on our fair city. I'm guessing everybody else just missed out.
The calf is sooo cute! My neighbors Connie and Roger had 3 new calves born right during the ice storm. They told me today, the calves made it through the ice just fine. They came over today to get me out of the mud I got stuck in! (My car, of course, not me. lol.) After all the ice and snow, now that everything has thawed out, the earth is like a soft sponge. Hope I make it to church tomorrow. The wind blowing and warmer temperatures should help dry things out a bit today.
Thank you for your visits, Ann, and the encouraging posts. I made it okay, but am very tired from it all, and need a good long rest! Guess I'm getting old!
Happy weekend.
Hey MoJo,
Yep, I do stuff like that.. keep right on putting the wrong date on checks... I'll get it straight by June, maybe..LOL
A dusting of snow is always pretty. Funny on your "08" date. I still catch myself doing that too. The baby calf is so cute. Please don't tell me that you will eat him one day. :o)
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