Friday, February 27, 2009

Saturday Photo Hunt = Thankful


Photo Cache said...

If we look closely, we really do have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy weekend. Happy photo hunting.

Mary said...


We have much to be thankful for every day of our lives. For food for our table, shelter, warmth...the love of family and friends, and so much more.

Awesome post. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

That is such a cool photo! I love the theme this week - it's wonderful to go around and look at everything there is to be grateful for.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

There is so much to be thankful for, Ann and I am thankful for people who reminds us about these things :)

Happy weekend!

Carver said...

Wonderful photograph and take on the theme. Happy Weekend, Carver

SASSY MOM said...

This week's theme is really heartwarming ... we do have a lot to be thankful for everyday of our lives.

Bengbeng said...

This week's theme is a great one. Makes us all realize the things we have taken for granted rather than be thankful for

CRIZ LAI said...

There's just too many things to be thankful for in life... :)

stan said...

thanks for dropping by! I like your unique interpretation of the theme which a city dweller like me would never be able to witness. cheers!

RJ Flamingo said...

LOL! Great minds think alike - sort of. Nice take on the theme!

Have a great weekend, and stop by if you get the chance...

MaR said...

Well done! lovely picture and take on the theme.
Happy weekend :)

Renie Burghardt said...

What a great shot, Ann!

I'm thankful every morning for a new day, and for family and friends, and so much more.

Happy weekend!


jams o donnell said...

We certainly have so much to be thankfull for. Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

love the pic. birds are wonderful creatures. one of the many things to be thankful for.

Brita said...

Cool take on the theme. There's so much to be thankful for.
Thanks for visiting too and for the kind words.

Maureen Hayes said...

What a lovely photo and a nice take on the theme. As others have commented, it is nice to focus on all we have to be thankful for, something we should all do each day!

Thank you for your visit and comment at my site today as well.

If others would like to see it, mine is up at:

Happy Photo Hunt!

Mojo said...

I see a lot of things for a lot of people to be grateful for here. The driver grateful to have a job, the farmer grateful to (still) have the farm, the rest of us grateful to have the farmer.

And the birds grateful to have someone else diggin' the worms!

Sandy said...

Spring is coming.....yea!

Teena in Toronto said...

We all have so much to be thankful for, don't we?

I played too :)

Anonymous said...

The birds may be thankful but I wonder if the farmer feels the sasme.

I have a Thankful post today too: Please stop by and take a look, and enter my Fame giveaway while you're visiting. Thanks.

annalarssonphotography said...

Cool take on the theme!
There is so much to be thankful about.

My thankful post is up to!
Happy weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Very Interesting

Anonymous said...

Yes, and birds have a way of loudly announcing their thankfulness; we could learn from them. My chickens are thankful when I go out for food and we all know it for the noise. Funny critters they are.

Michele said...

So glad you sent me that message that Grandma Benson got our card:-) Yes, time is's amazing the difference I've seen in myself in the past 2 weeks...I am not only growing BUT I can feel this little one moving all around amazing:-) Have a great rest of the weekend:-)

sammawow said...

I like your take on the thankful theme! Nice shot!

Patricia said...

Yes, they are!!! We see something very similar in the sugar cane fields around Lake O.


Deborah Wilson said...

Great pic - the birds are awesome!

Gabriel said...

Great picture!!! (Sorry it took me so long to pay back your visit) :-)

Anonymous said...

Indeed! And we humans must be thankful always for the many blessings we receive everyday.