Beginning on March 16, our water will be different.

We've been told that a lot of our water will now come from the Neuse River. Before it always came out of the ground. Government has stepped in to tell us how much water we can deplete from underground.
Our water supplier is changing over from chlorine to chloramines. They claim that chloramines last longer and have virtually no odor or taste. (Now they are telling us that long term use of Chlorine may increase our risk of developing serious health issues.)
Great idea, huh?But, they say dialysis patients have to take special precautions. In the dialysis process, water comes in contact with the blood across a permeable membrane. Chloramines in that water would be toxic. Also this water will be harmful to fish and other aquatic animals.
Doesn't this make you just want to go get a quick drink of water? What kind of water do you drink where you live?
i drink bottled water. or filtered water. except when we are in podunk and then our water comes out of the ground cold and pure and delicious. better than any i have ever tasted anywhere.
smiles, bee
Kind of makes you think about it all, doesn't it Ann? Chloramines? Scary! I do think eventually they will be controlling our water use, since there are water shortages that may eventually get worse.
I am too far out for county water. I have my own deep (400 feet down) well. I love my water.
Have a great day!
We have well water. If the county ever comes by here with a water line, we are signing on. There's a huge hog operation within sight, sound and smell, so often wonder about the water. So far so good. It tastes good.
We drink bottled distilled water. We have a deep well, but this is farm country with a single aquafir. With all the chemicals that they use to kill this pest and that, then all the stuff to make it grow faster, taller, bushier, redder or greener, I mean, where do people think all this stuff goes? If we don't eat it because it has been absorbed into the food, we drink it as it works its way down into our drinking water.
Bet if we could have PURE water again - NO chemicals, no pollution, we would have NO cancer!
We get our drinking water from a vending? machine. It's twenty-cents a gallon. I never drink the water here......I cook with it though. That's why my family glows a funny orange.!
It is very strange thing to go somewhere where the water IS drinkable out of the faucet.......I balk, then drink.
Maybe a filter system would be what you need...and maybe you need to appeal to the higher ups with threats of siccing the news media on them if your health or health of loved ones is affected! Keep us posted on this.
Please have a look at If you start developing skin rashes, respiratory or digestive problems, it may be because of the chloramine. Just remember, sometimes these things take months before you have problems, but lots of people have trouble with this chemical.
Beth Nord
Palo Alto, CA
I shutter to think about my water! I just drink it and pray! The water at our cottage in Northern Michigan is from our well. We get it tested always comes back really good, and when I wash my hair up there, it makes it curly! I don't know why, I just enjoy it while I'm there!
I heard on Toronto news that chlorine causes cancer, as does the floride in toothpaste. I remember as a kid there was no floride in toothpaste and our teeth didn't rot out of our heads because our parents had strict rules about the amount of sweet stuff we ate.
It's scary what our governments are doing to us. Even the food and drug admin doesn't seem to care that the meds for arthritis I'm on can cause sudden bleeding and instant death.
We need a watchdog that knows what they're doing and that will prevent our governments from poisoning us. No wonder cancer is on the rise. Everything we breathe, eat and touch has cancer causing agents.
Sorry you are being subjected to these rules. I much prefer getting my water from a spring or well.
This is Dusty,one of Mama's daughters.She has had a really bad night with the pain,If any of her friends here would like to see a donation in a small creation of art , cards or money it would be greatly appreciated. Her hospital bills and meds are running high.Thank you for any thoughts.
It can be sent to
Jessie LaVon 854
Demopolia ,Alabama 36732
That's scary. And that's just the stuff they tell us is going on!
Our tap water comes from the Bull Run reservoir, so it's really clean, but we live in an older house so we have lead pipes. We use the tap water, but filter it first.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Scary stuff. I don't know what kind of water Cobb is using but maybe this week I'll find out.
I prefer well water but never get to drink it unless I'm in the mountains - not too many wells left around Cobb.
Bottled water - I remember hearing a controversy about it a few months ago - I'll look it up.
Chlorine in the water is very bad - it dries my skin and hair terribly. When I was growing up, we brushed our teeth with baking soda more so than toothpaste. Looks like we're getting a double whammy with the fluoride and chlorine no matter what we do...Almost everything that the government touches is full of chemicals - for our health -f course - - that's why disease is on the rise.
All our water is chlorinated- we don't have a choice. When we lived in Christchurch New Zealand, our water was all Artesian- underground- & so it was pure & delicious. Now they are chlorinating that too.
We have 'city water' here, but at the farm, we have a wonderful well! The water is so cold it will take your breath away if showering in it straight from the ground. LOL
Our water here has chloramine and chlorine in it. We have to chemically treat the water we add to our pond. It seems kind of funny that we can drink the chloramine, but the chemicals that remove it from our water says to not drink it. LOL
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