Remember back a few posts, I said the man and his family were making changes so they could vote for the man they wanted for sheriff?

Well, we should know after tomorrow. The man's wife did change from her party to unaffilliated. The son did change also, and the son's wife and the son's son. The man never did make a change, so he cannot vote for either of the men running for sheriff. The man's wife knows she is out-voted in her own family, nevertheless she will vote for the new man running for sheriff. Anyone interested can check this website. If the page cannot be seen I think it will redirect you to a google cache of the page.
Update: ...GUESS WHAT? The man's wife picked the winner. We have a new sheriff.
Love your goat narrator! I'm curious to see how the voting turns out.
Hope the best man wins and the honest man.
Missing all of my online friends. Hope all is well with you.
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