We were just talking among ourselves.

Wouldn't you rather have someone in Washington DC who would pray over matters of great importance, than those who just want to meet to "have a beer" and talk about it?
Wouldn't you rather have someone in Washington DC who would do the right thing no matter how many votes it cost them?
Wouldn't you rather have someone in Washington DC who would listen to the people in their districts rather than lining their own pockets?
We're thinking we might just put up someone from the herd to run for office. We're thinking "People" just don't get it!
no matter what they say befor being elected to ba a congreeman and or senator.eventually they are all bought off by some special interest group.and that Of the People By trhe Peopls and for the ppeople fades into the woodwork.
Yes! Some of us get it:)
Hey, Ann -- I like your thinking - I'm gonna nominate you -- Power to the People!
Yep, I get it, and I agree with you, Ann!
Pretty smart goats!
Me thinks the Goathead has hit it ON the head!
So true! And if I was that policeman, I would not accept the beer offer... they are going to make him look stupid!
Excellent assumption. Being a Capricorn I would definely vote for any in the herd as either one would be much better than what we have in Washington now. Peace
I agree with the goats. I am fed up with what is in Washington, and frightened by them as well. I think they have gone off the deep end this time.
That cop should not go for the beer. I agree, they will use him and twist things around. Maybe he won't mind it, tho.....
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