Sandi McBride left a message for me to go over to her blogspot and collect another award.

Here are the rules for this: The rules: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same**Visit
Memoirs of a Mommy for the awesome story behind this award.
I would like to award each blog "I love to Visit" listed on my side bar this award. You all are special to me. Some are kinfolk, some are strangers, some feel like close friends. Some are writers, some are artist, some are SAHMs, some are busy with little time for blogging. Some have sons/daughters serving their country in other lands. Some are sick, some are recovering, some are so funny, some are so serious, some remind me that God is Love and Able to take care of all of us.
So for the next little while I will be busy visiting and asking you all to come and collect this award. I know some don't do awards, but I just want you to know that I think you all are deserving!
thank you for leaving me a note to come visit! I am having a lot of fun with my crockpotting adventures this year. I appreciate you sharing the love!
Thank you very much for including in my the award. It's always an honor to be remembered!! I appreciate it!
That was so very kind of you to think of me, bless you! Lin
Thank you for "counting me in" for "sharing the love". I truly appreciate it!
I think this is lovely and very kind.
Thank you for remembering our children who are serving.We appreciate your kindness.
Thank you so much for the award! What fun! I am so far behind this month, but I'll pass this on soon!
YAY! Thank you!! ((big hugs))
Ann, Thankyou for this award! It sure is a nice one.
Thanks so much for the award and "Sharing the Love". I will do the same. Have a great week!
Thank you for the award and comment. I have to rush to work right now, but I will pass it on in tomorrows post.
Well Thank You! My palms are pressed together as I bow to you in gratitude! _()_ It is greatly appreciated!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!! Thanks for sharing the love!!
Thank you so much--- You are the bright spot in my day.....
I thank you for thinking of me for this award, but I am a no meme blog, so if you wish to noninate someone else thats ok.Hope this does not offend you and I really thank you for thinking of me.
thank you so much for thinking of me xx
i shall be back soon to have a proper look at your blog and to say a real hello
have a great week
t x
Awww! Thank you ancient one! How very sweet.
Thank you Ms. Ann. I needed an award this week to cheer me up! :o) I appreciate it!
Thank you very much for this award - you are very kind and I appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for giving me the award. :)
thank you for the award - very sweet!!!
Thank you! I have felt very negligent in my blog reading lately. So hard to get to all my favorites when the outside is calling this time of year. Thank you so much for including me in your list of favorites!
thank you so much!! It means a lot that folks other than my mom not only read my little blog, but actually enjoy it as well :0)
Dear Ancient one, Thanks from my heart for the great award. It was so nice of you. connie
Many thanks for your mention on your blog. I do at times find the phone connections very frustrating and time consuming so am very glad you enjoy my blog!!!
Just visited Mommy's web site, what a cute little boy. I'll have to get back over to read more on her blog soon. Thanks for including everyone on your blogroll for this award, I can see that it is a special one for Noah and his donor. I'll get it up soon.
I love the award, but I have no idea how to post a link! I would feel bad not doing that part.
It was very sweet of you to think of me. I needed that!
Thankyou for the award...........
Online and Offline projects
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