Friday, July 4, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunt = Pointed

Lots of Points

Yucca Points, OUCH!


Anonymous said...

Excellent pointed photos! Everyone seems to have a different take this week.

Carver said...

Those are both great for the pointed theme. I love that old fence. I'd like something like that around my house. I also like Yucca put not if it pokes me, ha. Happy Fourth of July!

Leslie: said...

Good ones! Those yuccas really are pointed - they hurt! lol

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. I like that old fence, so full of character :)

Anonymous said...

I can imagine the prick pains from those yuccas!! Oouch~~~~
Happy PH Ann :)

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July from over here in Australia!

Anonymous said...

I love that first shot! Nice entries:) Happy PH!

jams o donnell said...

Great shots. I know what the yucca feels like - got three large speicmens in the garden! Have a great weekend

Sandy said...

Good one..those yuccas can hurt..ouch

Anonymous said...

Two good points made! Thanks for stopping by Spatter...

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Oh I have two yuccas and I didn't even THINK of photographing them--- duh! That's a great idea!

I did Photo Hunt today, too! Come see mine and put your link up. :)

Pretty Life Online said...

Great entry for today's theme... Mine's up too hope you can drop by,,, Happy weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Cool photos. I especially like the signs on the fence pointing the way.

Mine's shared

Anonymous said...

Those Yucca plants can hurt, huh?!

Great shots.

Heather said...

Perfect photos for this week!

Anonymous said...

You have lots of great points.

ps. I'm still praying for Scott.

Anonymous said...

Great shots! The old fence does have a lot of character! Happy Independence Day weekend to you and yours :-)

philos said...

Hehe... Pointed things sure are fun to see... primarily because I had a difficult time thinking of one. Cool idea! :)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I love fences like that... and I love those signs like that, too. :)

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Oh, I love that top one!

meggie said...

Love those rustic fence points.