Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Possum Saga - Life Is Hard

The trap has been set for days. Today, right after breakfast, my husband, went to the front door to check it. He came back to report that he had caught a "possum". We all went out to see. I took my camera. I commented on how the possum grinned at me as I tried to get close. GS told me it was probably a male. He said females would pretend to be dead..."playing possum". We were all excited that the PREDATOR that stole the eggs had been caught! The trial would be quick and the sentencing would be severe!! How dare he eat up all those Guinea eggs that were so close to hatching!!!

BUT THEN ... my husband went out to get the paper. As he came back he took another look at that possum. What?? There were baby possums in there. He came to tell me. I took the camera and went back out to the trap. Sure enough, there were at least three babies that I could see. This changes everything. I gave GS a quick call on his cell phone. I left a message. Justice will not be so quick. This afternoon GS and my husband will take the mother and her babies to the swamp and release them. How soon they will make their way back to our place we don't know. But for now she goes free!!


Debbie J said...

Well, she is one lucky possum!Hope she teaches those babies how to cross the road safely!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Well I'm glad you caught the predator, but I'm equally glad you're going to release them elsewhere!


Melanie said...

Great story --- You have a good heart...

Sandy said...

I am so glad you are taking her back to the woods and not to the great possum house in the sky.

ancient one said...

Hey .. my husband is the soft hearted person here....LOL He came in and got the left over cornbread and has been feeding that possum today. There was a can in there that did have the bait, he flipped it over and has put water in it for the mother. Last time he came in he informed me that he has counted five (5) babies in there. Someone told him there is a lady at Scuffleton that they call the "possum lady." She has a baby possum that she is raising. My husband put in a call to her to see if she wants to adopt these. I'll let you know how it goes...

Little Penpen said...

That is the funniest thing I've ever heard, especially since I KNOW you! Why don't you bring them inside and keep them in the kitchen? LOL

ancient one said...

Little Penpen... The woman who took the possums (Earline Smith) at Scuffleton has a possum in her house that is her pet. She had 2 possums in a cage, 2 squirrels, and rabbits... she says she gets them grown then releases them in the swamp next to her house!

Granny said...

I'm glad that possum got a second chance.

Maybe once she goes back to the swamp she'll be smart enough to stay there.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww look at the wittle babies! I would have a possum if they stayed little. ...and just look at them, staring at you thinking "what the world is that?" Oh yes, and GS needs to stop acting like he knows everything! hahaha! just kidding, he knows more about that stuff that I do!

Anonymous said...

I just read what you wrote about Mr. Ancient One, and I would have to say...I would've done the same thing! (I guess thats where I get it from) Actually I probably would've taken it a step further and I would have stayed out there with them and would sing lullabys to them, trying to make them feel comfortable! *grin*

ancient one said...

April, you certainly got that love of animals from your Granddad!! Hope you are feeling better. Love n Hugs

Janice said...

Wow, those babies changed the whole outcome, didn't they? :o) Lucky mama. As pesty as they are, those babies are kinda cute, don't you think? Hope they like their new home and decide not to return to your place!

meggie said...

I read with shock! I must have missed a couple of posts, so was reading down, had come to the 'recipe' then the trap!
Glad you let the mother & her babies go, but of course one or more may be back for more eggs.