Monday, August 31, 2009

Dogs, Vines, and Summertime

Seems like forever now that I've grown a vine of some kind on that night light in the back yard. This year I planted speckled butter beans in six pots around the pole. Didn't have to water these as much as usual, since we had a rainy summer this year. Look how tall it got. So far this one takes the record!

Several people asked me how I was going to pick these beans. I said I'd probably just get the ones on the bottom. This morning I took my mom to the doctor. When I got home this is what I saw. Think he is picking beans.. nope, just pulling the vines down from around the light..LOL Maybe I can reach some of the ones hanging down now.

You all know I have this favorite cousin who visits me. She often brings along presents and she did so again... three blue bottles for my bottle tree. WONDERFUL !!!

But do you know this cousin who loves me so much and is so good to me, did something I wasn't expecting. She brought a dog into my house !!!!! Just look at his picture below !!!!

Gotchya!! Some of you may have already seen his video on Facebook. It was really too dark for my camera... but I thought it was fun. Dogs like this and stuffed toy dogs I can handle. But all others need to stay outside. LOL Thanks Janice for the fun time Sunday afternoon!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Photo Hunt = Surprise

I found someone who can do two things at the same time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Beauty Berry Bush

Remember back in December of last year, when my friend sent me seeds of the Beauty Berry Bush? I put some everywhere. Some by the fence, Some in a pot, and Some just thrown on the ground. Well, I didn't know what the leaf looked like and I've probaby pulled up most of them. But just a while back I noticed something growing up in an Azalea bush. I asked my husband not to cut it out because I could see the beginnings of some berries on the limb.

So today I took another look .. and guess what... the berries are now turning purple. I have a Beauty Berry Bush. I will save some of these berries and pay special attention to the leaves.

I expect to have more of these bushes next year and in a place of their own. Thanks so much my friend from Possum Lane. In spite of myself, I have berries...LOL!

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, August 24, 2009

Car Dog

*The pics are better if you click on them to make them bigger.

Today after taking mama to the doctor, I noticed a car dog. You know how I am over car dogs, right?

It tooks some coaxing but he finally smiled for the camera.

Car dogs crack me up!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday Photo Hunt = Artificial

This is my farm on Facebook's application called FarmTown. There is a camera provided with the game to take pictures of your farm and send them to facebook. I thought I would share with all of you my artificial Farm. This is a fun game. I am addicted to it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Unwelcome Surprises...

Not these...they are always welcome.

Went to the dentist today. You know that is not my favorite thing to do. So I had a little talk with myself. I said, why are you nervous. You know you will not get xrays today. Everything was fine last six months.. so all they're going to do is clean your teeth... now relax...

So I was about as relaxed as I could be, under the circumstances. First thing the young sweet girl (who's my favorite) said was... Dr. wants to take an xray of your lower left tooth next to the back.... WHAT?..... he noticed something when he reviewed your exrays from last time... wants to see that area again. !!!

So knowing my "gag" reflex, they hurriedly got the xray machine ready and took just the one xray. I got through it okay. Only took one time...

After that, the sweet young girl cleaned my teeth. She told me there was a dark spot at the tip of the root on the tooth in question. Didn't know what my dentist would want to do.

So here comes the unwelcome surprise. He wants to send me to another dentist. Thinks I might need a root canal. Yikes!

I have the appointment. Now what to do????

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kids and Wild Grapes

You know these wild grapes are very green. I love how they taste. We've eaten most of the ones we can reach. Boy, its a stretch to reach some more.

Maybe if a bunch of us go at the same time, we can pull this vine down lower. Come on, you guys lets go. Pull!!!

Look at them. Acting all crazy over a few wild grapes. These weeds are good and so much easier to get. Yummy...

Another day in paradise at Curt's Goat Farm...

(all these pictures can be made bigger by clicking on them)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Apple Trees

When I was a child, we had a neighbor, "Miss Lossie", who had lots of apple trees. We kept an eye on those trees and once the apples started turning, we'd go ask her for apples. She told us we could have all we wanted of the ones that had fallen on the ground.

We, being me and my six siblings would pick up all we could carry. But I must confess, if she turned her back and went back inside, we'd try to knock down some of those still on the tree. Those always looked the best.

Children in the country do not roam around like we once did. We knew where every plum tree, every apple tree,every pear tree, every pecan tree, on every ditch bank, on every farm that joined our Granddaddy's farm were. And sometimes the neighbor's children joined us in our search for those tempting fruits.

My Grandmother had a hard apple tree. That was the last one we went after. The apple above reminds me of her apple tree. The boys trucking tobacco used the path where this tree grew. Each trip back and forth to the field another apple was picked until the boy had all he wanted.

These apple trees are planted near the road. There is also a grapevine out there. I have never seen anyone near them. I told my husband, I had seen the day when none of those apples would have grown this big. I would have eaten them all by now. Taste changes as we get older, I guess!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

All Gone

The tiger lilies are gone, but they were pretty while they lasted.

Sunday, August 2, 2009