So what do you think about Global Warming, you ask. I will tell you my thoughts for THIS weekend. The weathermen had predicted snow, 2-4 inches for my area. They were running winter warnings all day on Saturday. The snow would start at 4 PM they said. WRONG!!
At 10 PM when my husband went out for the last feeding of the baby goats for that day, he told me it was snowing. I went to the window and looked toward the yard light. I could see no snow or any precipitation at that time. I thought he was fooling me. Yet, when he came in, he said there was some accumulation on the lower part of the windshield of my car.
At the 11 o’clock newscast, the news people were all standing outside in their caps, scarves, and coats. You just could see a few flakes falling through the winter mix. The main weatherman was holding a snowball about the size of a soft ball. I wondered how many car windshields he had scraped to get that much snow. There certainly wasn’t any on the ground.
On Sunday morning there was no sign of snow anywhere in my neighborhood…. Just cold temps.
Sunday night CBS had a documentary on Global Warming. The scientist on there were very convinced that the ice is melting on the two poles. As I was watching the show, a thought popped into my head. Who you gonna’ believe… The men on TV or God. Sit here and believe what they are saying or walk outside and see what God is doing. Y’all "out side" was very cold last night. Not a record…but still cold for us!
Scientist cannot tell us whether it will snow or not, but THINK they can predict the future… Don’t talk to me about Global Warming today… maybe next summer we can discuss it!!
Think I'll run down to Rabaul and see